I think I found my next Pet. - Tarsier


May 21, 2003
West Virginia
Last edited:
It looks both delicate and endangered....and it has hands.

An acquaintaince of mine used to have a pet raccoon. He said it was a terrible pet because it had hands (with ~ opposable thumbs) and could get into EVERYthing. He said it could unscrew jar lids...
jtice, you, sir, are one of the great resources on the CPF. Of course you share some small percentage of blame as to why I haven't left these premises, yet.

Hey, thanks, this is a first for me and my daughter thinks it's cute.
Thats whats so crazy about it.
It can be sitting there, looking sooooo cute. Just smiling at you.

All the while he is planning his attack once you fall asleep.

I have been fixated on the little guy all day, made a little gallery of pics I found of them.

Funny, I don't have a fear of snakes, tigers, bears...anything scary, etc. But that little guy scares the heck out of me :sick2: ...maybe it has to do with my deeply rooted fear of clowns and gremlins, lol (hence the flashlights, lol)
Umm.. No offence jtice but that thing looks pretty disturbing and just plain ugly to me.
Yeah... that actually scares me. (No "grin" smiley here, because I'm serious.)

If you think THAT'S cute, feast your eyes on THESE critters.
Looks to be seriously nocturnal. It's probably not a pet that would enjoy your flashlight hobby.
I'm sure they are illegal to own. Most primates are, at least without special permits, etc. And then only non-endangered ones, of course.

As these little crittters are suffering loss of habitat, owning one as a pet is surely not legal.

They do look cool, in an acid trip sort of way.....
Looks like a Gremlin.

Don´t feed him after midnight.
Don´t expose him to direct sunlight.
Don´t let him get wet.....

I've had the opportunity to hold and pet a few Tarsiers while in the Philippines. They're native to the island of Bohol where they have a preserve for them. They're very cute with soft fluffy fur. The amazing thing is they only weigh about 100 grams and feel like you're holding nothing. Their bodies are only about 6-8" long with another 8-9 inches of tail, but they can jump 3-3 meters. As already stated, they're endangered. We were told they are the smallest primates. I have lots of photos including my daughter with one perched on her head. :)
Pretty neat looking fellow. But, like looking at most small primates, you have to wonder if it's about to jump on your head and do angry monkey things to your face.

I looked at your gallery of pictures. That's a great looking skull, should I feel bad about thinking that?
Here are some photos I took of them when I visited Bohol, Philippines a couple of years ago. They are very comfortable around humans and did not seem to mind me taking these close up shots. They are really cute and seem to be smiling all the time. And yes, it's illegal to own one.




I second the sugar gliders

my friend got two pair of them, and in the last year has sold their offspring for close to $2000

note - he only wanted them as pets, they just happen to be tiny little money printing factories also

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