I think I have my ideal walking light


Newly Enlightened
Dec 10, 2004
after a lot of reading here, pondering, and experimenting i invested in a malkoff drop in for a 2D maglite. so far this seems to be a great fit for the way i use the light.

the way i hold my dog leash while also holding the light makes a tail switch light inconvenient to operate. plus, i like the easy operation of the mag switch even when wearing heavy gloves. i typically just flash every 100 feet or so to make sure there is nothing in the road ahead of me instead of a constant on. the malkoff is so bright that i aim the beam up at about a 30 degree angle and use the corona to light the path.

the real treat, however, is when a car approaches. i want the idiot behind the wheel to forget his cell phone, picking his nose, or whatever else he is doing and put full focus on operating his vehicle as he approaches me. so, i aim the beam at the pavement in front of the car and "strobe" it. if necessary i'll work my way up to the windshield, but so far all i have had to do is 3 or 4 pops and i see brake lights go on and redirection to give me a wide berth. before, i'd have cars get right on me before they saw me or act like they didn't see me at all sometimes (even though i wear reflective clothing and have one of the red LED blinking lights on as well). i'm sure no one really wants to hit a pedestrian so this is a good system for all involved.

i've gotten some great info from this forum and put it to good use, but this looks like the best so far!
Howdy tm3,
It sounds like the Malkoff drop-in for your 2D Maglite is a perfect fit. Gee, you're lucky you were able to score one, as they can be rather difficult to come by. Congratulation on finding your ideal walking light!

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