In need of suggestions...?



Hey, I'm new here. Just joined 5 minutes ago. As you all know it's nearing Christmas time, and I want to find the perfect gift for my husband, as he is incredibly hard to shop for. One thing I do know that he loves are flashlights!!! He's on this forum a lot, and I have learned so much from him in terms of flashlights. He already has a fast-growing collection, but I was thinking of adding to that collection by giving him another flashlight this year. Any suggestions? I am THE last person in the world who knows anything about flashlights. But I trust you all, so it would beneficial to me if you all could help. My budget is slightly limited though, because of another gift I had in mind for him...

Thanks guys!!!
If possible, a list of what he has would be great. You can PM it to people or just state the name of the company if you don't want to run the risk of him discovering who you are.

Would you like to get him a keychain, a pocket carry, a tactical, or other light?

We will definately need more info to be of any help.Letting us know a few of his favorites might get us on the right track.If he has been mentioning a certain type or brand that will help too.
Hey guys -

Long story short, my wife is terrible at keeping a secret... :crackup:

I appreciate the offers of assistance, we're going to look around for something that fits in her (our) budget.

BTW...I have a few mags and one of Milky's MC2s. Would love something LED-based and small, but I've already got lots of ideas (too much time lurking around here).

Anyway...thanks again.

Oh...and... :welcome:, sweety. You should stick around and see what I'm always yammering about. ;)
LOL... Busted:crackup:
Good Luck and happy holidays to the both of you. I would LOVE it if my wife were a CPF member and into this as much as I.

My suggestion off the top of my head.
SF M6/A2/Kroma/M3 or one of the Novatac EDCs... killer USA made quality and worthy of gift giving.

Ask him if he could have any flashlight regardless of the cost what would it be? Then buy it for him! :D
see if he's using rechargeable batteries. If he's not, you could get him some cells and a charger. Then there is always a gift certificate to an online light vendor, like Battery Junction or what not.
Thanks for all the suggestions, y'all. Given our budget (starving students) and my needs (bright, multi-level edc light), she/we have decided on a Nitecore D10.:twothumbs

Again, thanks all for your help and here's hoping my girl picks up the habit...that might be the best Christmas gift of all. :laughing: