Inexpensive 'Tactical style' A or AA


Newly Enlightened
Oct 14, 2006
Howdy illuminati:

Please spec me a A or AA powered, small (<5" length) BRIGHT light with a tail clicky. For my 11 year old son. Could even sacrifice overall quality for brightness, 'cause it might get lost within a year or two.

Thanks Guys!

PS My older son got a Proton Pro for his B-Day and loves the strobes. Hope he doesn't lose it!!
For an 11 yo who will possibly lose or break the light in short order you might consider a C3 with the tube extension for 2 AAs. It is bright, and cheap from Deal Extreme and he can use it 1 or 2 AA mode. It fits your criteria pretty well I would think.

Omg, that is such a cool name for a flashaholic, and makes so much more literal sense then it did with the actual illuminati...we have seen the light..literally, not metaphorically

oh and i have experience with the DX Uf c3, so +1

Another vote for the Romisen RC-G2. $10 shipped on DX. But don't let the price fool you. The finish is as nice as a Fenix. Threading is fine. Everything comes apart easily too. The single stage forward-clicky has nice response as well.

$23 multilevel Rebel 100 that lasts 35+ hours on low. It's very bright on high and if you want strobes it has 4 different strobe levels, plus SOS, plus 5 second beacon. If you don't want to use the stobes, they can be hidden as well (see thread).

Or the Romisen RC-G2 for $11 which lasts about an hour on it's 1 level.

Both are great choices depending on what you want. :twothumbs
DX has one in green camo. My 10 and 12 year-olds seem more interested in the camo than the other functions of their lights.
Another vote for the Romisen RC-G2. $10 shipped on DX. But don't let the price fool you. The finish is as nice as a Fenix. Threading is fine. Everything comes apart easily too. The single stage forward-clicky has nice response as well.

Well, it's not really up to Fenix build quality, but it IS a nice light. It's relatively bright to begin with, and it can be made 2-3X brighter with 30 minutes of work and $10 in parts.

The form factor is great, and the positive clickie is nice.
Well, it's not really up to Fenix build quality, but it IS a nice light. It's relatively bright to begin with, and it can be made 2-3X brighter with 30 minutes of work and $10 in parts.

The form factor is great, and the positive clickie is nice.

I was actually referring to the anodizing. Have yet to mod the emitter, but it is extremely tempting!
Well, it's not really up to Fenix build quality, but it IS a nice light. It's relatively bright to begin with, and it can be made 2-3X brighter with 30 minutes of work and $10 in parts.

What parts would you use to brighten it up?