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h_nu06-07-2007 05:02 PM
Re: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
I also have the Pacific HP with an aluminum AA battery tube. I was considering exactly the same runtime vs. brightness tradeoffs as you.
Yesterday I ordered the Seoul version and after talking with Peak chose to keep the same drive level (HP). He said it will have about the same runtime but it should be about 300cp instead of 230. The Ultra is around 375-400 and the Super is about 500cp.
h_nu06-13-2007 04:06 PMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
I received my Pacific HP with SSC today. The spot is definitely greenish but the spill area seems white. It isn't much brighter than the Luxeon except in the spill. You might want to go up to the next drive level if you wanted more throw. If you are sensitive to tints the Luxeon may be the better choice.
It's not dark yet so I can't do the real world test. I'm thinking the green spot may not be objectionable outside.
cave dave06-24-2007 06:42 AMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
I would be interested in knowing the drive current for all power settings as well. At least I could estimate lumens then. This CP stuff is nonsense.
regulator06-24-2007 07:47 PMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
I ordered both a HP and UP Soul version so I could make an evaluation and return the one I did not want. I am going to keep the UP version. I have had a Pacific HP version for some time now and have been very pleased with it for its output and efficiency. With AA pocket body, this is probably one of the most compact AA lights you can buy. And you have your choice of how to configure the power level. Sure you dont have multiple outputs, but you get a very efficient regulator/converter in place and a very small AA format if mated to the pocket body tube.
The HP Soul version is very close to the Luxion HP version that I have. The spill is a slightly brighter. Not a very noticable difference. Output is nice.
The UP is brighter with a more intense hotspot and the spill is noticably brighter.
Current on a Lithium Energizer AA @1.744 volts:
Luxion HP runs at approximatley 210 mA
Soul HP runs at approximately 190 mA
Soul UP runs at aprroximately 410 mA
Current on Fresh of the charger Eneloop AA @ 1.46 volts:
Luxion HP = 230mA
Soul HP = 200mA
Soul UP = 510 mA
I ordered the pocket body AA tube as I think it looks the best with this light and is one of the most compact AA lights (and this is the way I have my Luxion HP Pacific configured). It is also one of the most efficient AA lights you can get since it uses a current regulator converter. I am really pleased with the Peaks and they are fantastic lights that are often overlooked.
I did a test with an alkaline AAA cell in the AA tubes with both the Sould HP and UP and what is interesting is that the UP will be brighter at first, then the HP will be brighter after the AAA cell wears down, and then they will both be about the same brightness after about 2.5 hours running. I was still getting pretty bright light out of them at the 3 hour mark and the lights where almost as bright as the HP on a fressh cell! Pretty impressive and efficient!
I have purchased a couple of other small lights recently that simply cannot compare to the output and runtime of the Pacific. One AA light is about as bright as the Peak UP but comsumes twice the power.
I really like these lights. The UP Peak Pacific with AA tube provides a bright output with amazing runtime for its size. It can probably run about 6-7 hours on a lithium cell. It is operating the LED in a very eficient range and putting out a good deal of light. I think this is a perfect balace of output and runtime for a small AA pocket light. In order to get a noticable increase from the Ultrapower version you would have to probably double the power - and it would only give you a little more brightness due to the way our eyes work. It amazes me that this tiny light can put out more light than an old 2D light with better runtime!
MagLED II06-25-2007 12:27 AMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
Between my wife and I we have 4 pacific HI-Powers. they are great lights.
I am getting a pacific SP for a high output option.
the lights are tough as nails. my wife uses alkies in the light and i user rechargeable batteries. they run for a very long time.
paulr08-24-2007 10:01 PMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
I think I mentioned in another thread, I recently got a Pacific/Seoul AA HP (titanium) and measured the current with an L91 lithium and with an Eneloop (NOT fresh off the charger--open circuit voltage about 1.25 volts). Current was about 210 mA with the lithium and 140 mA with the Eneloop. Taking into account the voltage difference the light is using 2x as much power with the lithium, and by eyeball estimate appears to be about 2x as bright on lithium as a result of the hgiher power. With the NiMH it's barely brighter than an HP Kilimanjaro despite its much larger size and complexity. I like to run all my AA powered devices on NiMH so this is somewhat disappointing. It looks like the regulator circuit has started to drop out in the normal operating range of NiMH cells. It would be a lot better if the light could stay fully powered down to somewhat lower voltage.
I'm not exactly regretting buying this light since I'd been wanting to try a ti light for a while and this was a low cost entry into the ti world, but the Pacific AA design just seems pretty bogus to me. It's too big, it has too many parts, and the reflector makes too tight of a spot beam. Maybe what I was really hoping for was something like a Kino Bay but I don't think they offered that in titanium. The Pacific probably makes the most sense in the super power configuration.
arty08-25-2007 08:55 AMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
I get much higher output from the light with a CR2 pocket body. Running the light at 3V gets a lot more light in a very small package. I have luxeon versions.
My Pacific ultra CR2 seems brighter to my eyes than my 4D Mag with a mag Led in it. The Mag has been running for months on the same set of batteries, so the comparison is not exactly fair.
The point is that with a CR2 battery in a pocket body, the Pacific puts out plenty of light for my needs and is very compact.
It is too bad that the light doesn't appear on the website with pocket bodies in stainless and/or titanium.
I also have AA bodies, but they wind up on a shelf. I have versions in HA and brass. I'd like a pocket CR2 stainless version.
paulr08-25-2007 11:18 PMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
For some reason I just can't stand the idea of a flashlight with no lanyard hole. So I don't want a pocket body. Yes the CR2 setup is brighter than the 1AA setup because of its higher voltage. Its unfortunate that the Pacific's boost regulator can't deliver full power at the input voltage of a NiMH cell.
arty08-26-2007 08:15 PMRe: Info needed on Pacific HP vs Pacific UP
There are a number of body options for the CR2 battery in key ring format. The keyring version is longer than the pocket body - 2.84" versus about 2.3" for the CR2 pocket bodies. I personally don't want the lanyard ring for this very small light, nor do I want the larger keyring size in CR2 - so I opted for the pocket formats. This light in CR2 comes in brass, HA-and stainless in key ring.
I would like a stainless pocket CR2 version, but it isn't in the catalog.