Inova Microlight - Batteries


Newly Enlightened
Apr 19, 2010
Need experience sharing here :
1. Microlight 'White' Light : Difference in output power, between the using of 2 x 2016 lithium cells, and 1 x 2032 lithium cell.
2. Microlight 'Red' Light : Difference in output power, between the using of 2 x 2016 lithium cells, and 1 x 2032 lithum cell.
I am buying in bulk very soon. Any input is mostly appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Unclevit :)
Need experience sharing here :
1. Microlight 'White' Light : Difference in output power, between the using of 2 x 2016 lithium cells, and 1 x 2032 lithium cell.
2. Microlight 'Red' Light : Difference in output power, between the using of 2 x 2016 lithium cells, and 1 x 2032 lithum cell.
I am buying in bulk very soon. Any input is mostly appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Unclevit :)

My 2 cents worth : I recall a retailer on a UK website stating that only the red LED model requires the 2032 (3.2mm) lithium cell with energy capacity of 225 milliampere hour. The rest of the other colours use 2016 (1.6mm) which is thinner and has energy capacity of 90 milliampere hour. Capacity is rougly proportional to volume. Both are rated at 3 volts. So I think its because the typical brightness levels or intensity in mcd (millicandela) is lower for other colours like blue LEDs at 2,500-9,000 mcd and 25,000-30,000 for red LEDs.

The 2032 & 2016 may hold their charge very long as lithiums (unlike alkalines) on the shelf with wide storage temp range. But it is def longer when used at a given current drain rate. For instance if both their loads drain equally at 10 micro amperes, the 2032 will last about 2.5 years, while the 2016 will last about a year. Hence a need for bigger 2032 for the hungrier reds.

Hope that helps. Any chance of ordering a blue for me while you're at it pls? I can PayPal and am not that far from you actually.
I have a red Microlight and a white Microlight. Both lights came with two 2016 batteries installed. The red Microlight runs at an acceptable brightness level on one 2032 battery, but the white is ridiculously dim on one 2032 battery. The red one came with a caution that the life of the LED might be shortened by using the two 2016 batteries it came with.
My 2 cents worth : I recall a retailer on a UK website stating that only the red LED model requires the 2032 (3.2mm) lithium cell with energy capacity of 225 milliampere hour. The rest of the other colours use 2016 (1.6mm) which is thinner and has energy capacity of 90 milliampere hour. Capacity is rougly proportional to volume. Both are rated at 3 volts. So I think its because the typical brightness levels or intensity in mcd (millicandela) is lower for other colours like blue LEDs at 2,500-9,000 mcd and 25,000-30,000 for red LEDs.

The 2032 & 2016 may hold their charge very long as lithiums (unlike alkalines) on the shelf with wide storage temp range. But it is def longer when used at a given current drain rate. For instance if both their loads drain equally at 10 micro amperes, the 2032 will last about 2.5 years, while the 2016 will last about a year. Hence a need for bigger 2032 for the hungrier reds.

Hope that helps. Any chance of ordering a blue for me while you're at it pls? I can PayPal and am not that far from you actually.

Thanks Taipan for sharing the information. I measured both 1 x 2032, and 2 x 2016 voltage output. The former came out 3.2v while the latter came out 6.1v. This may be the reason why if I use 2 x 2016 3.0v in my red light, the brightness is powerful to a distance of 5-10 ft. easily. PM me for your address, and I can spare a blue when I got the shipment. Soon. I ordered 2 dozens of Red, White, and 1 dozen of Blue and Green :)
I have a red Microlight and a white Microlight. Both lights came with two 2016 batteries installed. The red Microlight runs at an acceptable brightness level on one 2032 battery, but the white is ridiculously dim on one 2032 battery. The red one came with a caution that the life of the LED might be shortened by using the two 2016 batteries it came with.

I used 2 x 2016 (output 6v total) in my red light, and the brightness is stunning, far reaching distance ! No reason why the LED will die sooner than using 1 x 2032 (output 3v total). To get each color with maximum brightness output, it's always a better option to use 2 x 2016 in any of the light type. Short life of the bulb is never an issue when the unit costs only $4. And you are right on their caution. Tks for sharing the infor :)