Instant laser coffee

Interesting. I haven't ever heated coffee using a laser, but I have heated coffee before using a couple kW of radio waves at approximately 2.5 GHz, which is a similar idea :D
Uh - Trinity --

That's called a microwave oven - though the new ones run at 5 GHz I believe. 2.5 Ghz is uplink frequency.

Damn - that sure is a nice beam :drool:

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Just bought one of those coffee laser at Target last week.

I find it hard to believe that was a 2kW laser unless it was IR or UV, shouldn't the beam be clearly visible? Wether or not my concern is correct, it's bigger than most.
65535 said:
I find it hard to believe that was a 2kW laser unless it was IR or UV, shouldn't the beam be clearly visible? Wether or not my concern is correct, it's bigger than most.

According to label on it - it is a Nd-YAG laser which is IR....unsure EXACTLY what wavelength it is, but it is most definitely IR.
Nd:YAg outputs at 1064 nM. IR but if it's powerful enough, it will ionize air. It's a neat effect when focused. Not efficient for heating food -- I don't think the efficiency is over 10%.
You see it because the camera can detect infrared... the same way you can see an infrared remote with a camera.