intros, insults and inquiries


Newly Enlightened
Apr 4, 2007
the great lake state
Hello, first post here, but I've been lurking a while. If there is a more appropriate place for this thread, it seems that the moderators are on top of things here and it will be taken care of… Found this place by way of EDC forums, and British Blades where someone had posted the fire lighting with flashlight video. I was compelled to find out more. Then I find out about maglite mods, tank lights and higher power LEDs.

I might as well start out insulting you all. You all seem pretty bright, (yes, very punny, I am) but have issues. Apparently some level of functional OCD combined with a fear of the dark has brought you together, in some sort of web-based spontaneous group encouragement/ therapy. I may just fit in...

But anyhow, enough about you, lets talk about me. Way back in the mid 90's, I purchased a surefire 6p(impressive, but I was to cheap to rely on it as a regular user) to mount on my shotgun and until recently relied on the basic sporting goods/ hardware store lights for my portable lighting needs. Used mainly when camping, I have relied on maglites, and my favorite camp light is a black diamond ion headlamp. Not super bright, but small, reliable and good enough to read or cook with. Also I seem to have the little clip-on lights from county comm clipped all over the place from jacket collars to clipboards.

Then I found this place…to make a long story short, I to date I have ordered, new 9p, a KL3 module, a Jet Beam MKII and a 123 tube (it currently rides in my pocket now -- did not need to pocket EDC a light, until I found out I could) The good wife fell in love with it, so I ordered another one for her. Then I felt a need for more power, and now I am waiting (impatiently, but courteously) for one of Gene43's drop ins for my 3D mag, (and now trying to figure how to justify on of these:

I fear this may only be the beginning…I have way too many knives; soon I'll have a matching light for every knife. :whistle: And SWMBO won't be happy.

But, any how that's my story up until now, I have much to learn. The first is, and I should have asked long before, is what happens when a KL3 is put on a 9 p:ohgeez: …now the question is what can be done to upgrade/mod this module and make it work again, preferably even better than new…I'm open to suggestions…

Also I have a half dozen or so old angle head lights (2D) from my Army days...any suggestions there?

And another question:
What is the thread for in the bottom of the jetbeam 123 tube there for?
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Welcome to CPF, fod. What took you so long? :laughing: Sounds like you've come to the right place, and, yes, you will soon have a light for every knife.

Welcome to CPF, fod :) make sure to hide your wallet and destroy your credit cards, this place has a way of extracting large amounts of money from your bank account....

I believe that the Surgeon General has determined that CPF may be hazardous to your bank account....

as far as those Army angleheads go, if you want to get rid of them, you can post a thread in B/S/T (Buy/Sell/Trade), otherwise, you could always try upgrading them, from a simple LED PR base bulb drop-in all the way to some fire-breathing Hotwire solution....

I'd love to see what Milkyspit (one of our popular modders) could do with an Army anglehead.....
Flying Turtle said:
Welcome to CPF, fod. What took you so long? :laughing: Sounds like you've come to the right place, and, yes, you will soon have a light for every knife.


Thanks, :) I guess...
yes, I'm afraid it has already begun, but I think you knew that...regarding the angleheads, my idea is to upgrade them...perhaps even try to use a few of them to replace the coleman white gas lantern when camping. 4-6 of them will weigh less than a lantern and gas can, and would be somewhat more user friendly. Just a question of what and how.
Welcome to CPF!! A fellow Michigander..The KL3 will work just fine on a 9P. As far as making the KL3 better....You could swap the stock LUX III LED for a SSC P4(seoul) and remove the optic and replace it with a reflector. I have heard good things about this mod. I tried it myself and well....lets just say I F-ed it up. You could also get a KL5 head or a Cree drop in module for the stock 9P head. I have both and love 'em! Try for all you flashlight and accessory needs, great prices and perfect service with great shipping costs!
Do a search for angle head flashlights here. I have seen a few people do some pretty cool mods to those.
Welcome to CPF!! A fellow Michigander..The KL3 will work just fine on a 9P. As far as making the KL3 better....You could swap the stock LUX III LED for a SSC P4(seoul) and remove the optic and replace it with a reflector. I have heard good things about this mod. I tried it myself and well....lets just say I F-ed it up. You could also get a KL5 head or a Cree drop in module for the stock 9P head. I have both and love 'em! Try for all you flashlight and accessory needs, great prices and perfect service with great shipping costs!
Do a search for angle head flashlights here. I have seen a few people do some pretty cool mods to those.

Cool, thanks...the KL3 stopped working for for some reason, I had problems with the spring locking up (screwed it on the 6p and it would not unscrew), but I solved that and then, put it on the mo go. perhaps I loosed a connection feduckying with it
Greetings from the other side of the lake, fod, glad to have you here. I'm looking forward to hopping the S.S. Badger to Ludington one of these, summer, months.
jayflash said:
Greetings from the other side of the lake, fod, glad to have you here. I'm looking forward to hopping the S.S. Badger to Ludington one of these, summer, months.

Right on, thats a fun sister has a cabin up in Door County, so we do the reverse trip on occasion

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