iPhone Flashlight!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 9, 2005
Houston, Texas
I was browsing the new apps that will be available for the new iPhone and noticed there is a "Flashlight" app available. It brightens your screen for use as a flashlight. Even better, a tap of the screen allows you to change colors for night vision etc. How cool is that???
I was browsing the new apps that will be available for the new iPhone and noticed there is a "Flashlight" app available. It brightens your screen for use as a flashlight. Even better, a tap of the screen allows you to change colors for night vision etc. How cool is that???

I had something similar for my HP pocket pc. It just turns your screen blank white. And for night vision, turns it all red. haha.
Erm... That's been available for the current iPhone for quite a while now...
Almost since the first 3rd party native apps appeared.
Yeah it's been around since the Jailbreaks for Iphone/ipod touch...
Basically the "night vision" turns the screen red, but the brightness and contrast are still white, or grey. So despite the screen color being red, the light that's blasting out of the screen will still blind you, even if the color is not supposed to... Generally though, the white screen makes most sense, and does indeed work pretty well as a floody light source. Far better than small cell phone screens and the such... But really, why carry around a fake, when we can have a flashlight that does it all.....You know which one I'm talking about :sssh:
Why not just prepare a few full-screen-sized images (white, red, green), upload them on your phone and load them in an image viewer of choice?

That works on any phone ;)
i Just use the two leds in my phone that are used for the camera part, for some reason there is a S.O.S. mode it can go into
Why not just prepare a few full-screen-sized images (white, red, green), upload them on your phone and load them in an image viewer of choice?

That works on any phone ;)

Great point, orcinus! I like it.

My start/home screen on my Palm Centro is a photograph that is pretty bright (outside pic, lots of light blue and white) and does a fine job finding a path in the dark or at a movie theater... It's also a heck of a lot easier to just turn it on than to find a program or image. For the Treo or Centro's small screen, I'll bet the output is nearly the same so long as it is not a photo of a panther at night (hee hee). For the iPhone's larger screen, however, I imagine a pure white screen on high would be significantly brighter. But, at these low levels, I can't imagine it could be much. Anyone got an iPhone and an extra integrating sphere? :naughty:
i Just use the two leds in my phone that are used for the camera part, for some reason there is a S.O.S. mode it can go into

You must have a Sony-Erricson W810 or something similar. I just configured a short-cut. Hit one of hte arrow keys to get into camera mode then hit * to turn on the "flash" :twothumbs
I was browsing the new apps that will be available for the new iPhone and noticed there is a "Flashlight" app available. It brightens your screen for use as a flashlight. Even better, a tap of the screen allows you to change colors for night vision etc. How cool is that???

I guess that's an LCD flashlight. ;)
Use with "iPhoneHome" app, change it as "Flashlight" app.
Just double click the Home button to activate "Flashlight".
Most useful app in mine. :twothumbs
I had an old Motorola that had a 3mm flashlight built in that I could activate on either momentary or constant on (by holding the shortcut "back" button +2 seconds). That is actually what got me into EDC'ing a real light once I lost that phone in a car accident.
LOL i first noticed this function on my tracphone, thought it was pretty neat, for those non flashaholics that get stuck in a jam that might need a light.

then my cousin showed me his on his iphone, big screen, bigger flood, i liked the output! i wanna open my mouth and say it is around 10 lumens? cuz i was comparing it to the EO1 LOL.....correct me if u think im wronglol
You must have a Sony-Erricson W810 or something similar. I just configured a short-cut. Hit one of hte arrow keys to get into camera mode then hit * to turn on the "flash" :twothumbs

YUP thats the one
You must have a Sony-Erricson W810 or something similar. I just configured a short-cut. Hit one of hte arrow keys to get into camera mode then hit * to turn on the "flash" :twothumbs

Yeah I have the same thing on my Sony Ericsson K750i... I had it on my short cut but the button doesn't work anymore more (after years of abuse).. I was shocked by the output of the LEDs when I first got the phone a years ago..
that one of my favorite functions of the phone !!
Motorolas do it too - camera button, then *. Quite handy.

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