Ipod Questions...


Oct 5, 2006
Pennsylvania, USA
I just bought an Ipod for my sister and I have a few questions about it for all you ipod owners...I know that you can buy the songs through Itunes...but as long as I have msuic files on ym desktop could I download them onto the ipod? I got here a nano 4gb by the way...I mean If I already downloaded music onto my computer coudl I just transfer the files? Also if I pop in a cd into my computer could I transfer the files from a cd over to the ipod as well? What do all of you do to get your music?
You need to use iTunes to add songs to the iPod. There may also be some freeware products that can do it.

In iTunes just go File/Add Folder to Library and all the songs in that folder and sub-folders will be in your iTunes library and can be added to the iPod when you sync it. That assumes the music is in a format the iPod can play: AAC, unprotected mp3. It can't play Windows Media files (protected or unprotected, though the unprotected ones could be converted to mp3 or AAC with some quality loss).

For adding a CD you can use iTunes to rip it to mp3 or AAC at whatever bit rate you prefer. I think the iPod can play the uncompressed WAV files directly but they will take up a lot of space and use up a lot of battery life.

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Ok, Thanks Greg, I was wonderign if I could ad any files from my computer to the ipod goign through itunes? Like if I use an itunes playlist from files on my computer (mp3, wav, and so on that the ipod can use)
Hi Jeff,

I think that's what I already said. You can add specific files or folders to your iTunes library, make a playlist that contains them, then they will be added to your iPod when you tell it to load that playlist.

Or maybe I misunderstood your question.

The simple answer to your questions is yes.

You can copy music you already have on your computer to the ipod. If you have a cd, you can copy that to the ipod too.
To be more precise, what you can do is to import files, folders and CD's into your iTunes folder on your computer.
This means you must first install iTunes on your computer.
When your iTunes folder have the music you want to load to your iPod, you connect your iPod to your computer, and sync the iPod to your iTunes-folder.
There are a lot of options regarding how your iTunes functions when you load music and when you sync your iPod, you just have to read the fanes on the top on the screen in iTunes, most is quite understandable.
There are also freeware and programs for purchase to do the same job as iTunes does, some of these can be good for certain users, but iTunes is a very good and intuitive program doing the job it is supposed to do.
Good luck with your player!