Is it possible to put rechargeable batteries in Streamlight Nightfigher?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 30, 2021
Before you guys jump on my case, I spent a couple hours reading through threads including the stickies and I was more confused than before I started. I am an expert in some things such as firearms, welding, and firefighting but when it comes to flashlight technology I have to admit a lot of it goes over my head.

About five years ago I was given a Streamlight Nightfigher LED for Christmas. It was my first flashlight that was more advanced than a MagLite. I like it and I keep it with my bedside handgun. What keeps me from using it more, is the cost of CR123 batteries.

From the research I have done on this site it appears that some Streamlights are very picky on batteries and do not work well with rechargeables. It looks like my flashlight falls into the category. Am I missing something? Is there a way I can run this light on rechargeables without damage or significant loss of performance? Thanks in advance.
Typical 3.6V "RCR123's" or 16340 cells have too much Voltage for lights not specifically designed for them (including Streamlights), though 3.2 Volt Lithium iron Phosphate (LiFePo4) cells are usually OK for 2X CR123 LED lights (they should not be used for lights with incan bulbs), these will require a specialized charger.

Another option is a single 3.6V protected 16650 cell, these may not be as bright as 2X CR123's due to the lower Voltage (3.6 vs 6 Volts) but will have longer run times. Note that some 2X CR123 lights, such as the Mag Tac, won't run on 3.6 Volts, but most Streamlights and Surefire LEDs will.

I run my ancient 2X CR123 Streamlight TL2 LED on a 14500 in a battery adapter that I 3D printed, works just like a 16650, although the run time is less with the smaller cell. This is another option if you want to use 14500's.
Typical 3.6V "RCR123's" or 16340 cells have too much Voltage for lights not specifically designed for them (including Streamlights), though 3.2 Volt Lithium iron Phosphate (LiFePo4) cells are usually OK for 2X CR123 LED lights (they should not be used for lights with incan bulbs), these will require a specialized charger.

Another option is a single 3.6V protected 16650 cell, these may not be as bright as 2X CR123's due to the lower Voltage (3.6 vs 6 Volts) but will have longer run times. Note that some 2X CR123 lights, such as the Mag Tac, won't run on 3.6 Volts, but most Streamlights and Surefire LEDs will.

I run my ancient 2X CR123 Streamlight TL2 LED on a 14500 in a battery adapter that I 3D printed, works just like a 16650, although the run time is less with the smaller cell. This is another option if you want to use 14500's.

Thank you for the reply. I will see if I can dig up one of the 16650 batteries and see how it works with it. I did a quick search and was not finding a lot of options in the LiFePo4 batteries that would fit dimensionally. Is there a benefit to going with a 14500 if you do not have one on hand? I do have access to a 3D printer so making an adaptor would not be a problem for me.
There's no real advantage to 14500 unless you happen to have some, or can't find a 16650. Illumn sells keep power brand 16650's, though I don't know if they have them in stock at the moment or not.
KeepPower now makes rechargeable 123s that have a regulated output of 3.0 volts. They are meant to be a rechargeable direct replacement for disposable cells in devices that are sensitive to voltage.
KeepPower now makes rechargeable 123s that have a regulated output of 3.0 volts. They are meant to be a rechargeable direct replacement for disposable cells in devices that are sensitive to voltage.

I think I was just mentioning how cells such as this could be out there but had not actually looked for them. Good to know I was right without even knowing it. I just had a look on their web page and the cell in question is their P1634U1

I might just grab a few to fill my old 6P with and keep the P60 incan lamp in it.
That p60 is meant to run on like 4.8v. Not 6v. It may not work out well. If you want to use Incan, run a p90 or other 9v bulb and 2x imr 16340 or equivalent