Is there a Fenix L1D R100?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 15, 2004
Is there a Fenix L1D R100? I have looked, but not sure if they make it. I have the L2D CE with textured reflector. I want a L1D R100 so I can run a 14500 battery in it. I realize that the 14500 is a little longer, but I am a machinist and I know I can make it work.

I could share parts and use whatever head I wanted.

You could use a dummy cell/1 AA sized extender and a 14500 battery in you L2D-CE. The L1D-CE and L2D-CE use the same head so will act the same with a 14500 battery. Two 14500 batteries will probably kill the head.

There is no Fenix L1D-Rebel 100 but you could buy a L2D-Rebel 100 and a L1D-CE body.
I think I will buy a P2D R100 and the L1D body. That way I will have three options.
