Is there a good LED dropin for a 2C Mag modded to 3 Cr123A's?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 2, 2005
I have already modded two of my 2C maglites to be 3 CR123A's. Is there a suitable LED drop-in that will work with this existing modification? If so, what improvement if any would I see in beam quality and or through?

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Along the same line, is there a drop-in for a 2C Mag modded for 3x rechargeable 123's?


There's good (yes) and then there's good (no). I've been mulling this question since installing my first 123 cells last month. Here's the math I've been playing with:

1) Boosted TLE-6EXB from 2-3 cells = 150 lumens

2) two [duracell] alkaline C cells @ 3 volts = 15600 mah

3) Unboosted TLE-6EX from 4-6 cells = 150 lumens

4) three [sanyo] lithium 123 cells @ 9 volts = 4200 mah

So, assuming 1) the 150 ratings are real life comparable and 2) my math is right, two standard C's have almost 4x the energy (and presumably runtime) as three 123's, with (thanks to the booster) the same output. Conclusion: as sexy as custom cells are, a little extra technology in the bulb allows old cells in the body to do more.

Question: Does boosting increase current draw, reducing the effective mah of the C's?
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electronguru, your method of determining capacity is very flawed. (sorry)

When you stack cells in series, you only gain voltage, not capacity. but there are many other factors involved.

3 CR123s in series into the very low load of a LED module would deliver about 1.5AH @ ~8V average through the discharge, which is about 12 Watt/Hours of power. See when you run a module like the 6EX on a higher voltage source, it draws less current, so you get more useful capacity from the cells. 1.5AH and often even higher is very possible at <0.5A load on lithium primaries.

Now, when you use a low voltage source on a boosted EXB, it must draw more power from the cells to get the power up at the LED. The EXB version would probably pull about an amp or more from a stack of 2 alkalines to get enough juice to the LED. When alkalines are tested for capacity, they are tested at a VERY slow drain rate, the result is very inflated capacity claims that only hold true in low drain devices, like maybe a clock, lol.. A C size alkaline is lucky to deliver 3AH into that kind of a load, and will not hold up around 1.5V for very long at all at that load, it will quickly diminish into the 1.1-1.2V range and continue falling. I would only expect about 6-7 Watt/Hours into that kind of load from a pair of alkies.

Now.... If you were to use some NIMH Cs, which often deliver very close to their rated capacity around 1A, you would actually have somewhere around 13 watt/hours of usable power, even more than most CR123s.
Yea, its been that kind of week. I've dimmed the original text to minimize confusion.
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So is there a good drop in for the 2C cell mag-lite powered with 3 CR123A disposable batteries? :shrug:
hi lastdefender,,,, i don't know all the tech stuff,, but i did change from the mag-star bulb to the terralux 6ex in my 2c mags that have been changed to 3-cr123 batteries and i can see a difference ,,,also i see more run time,,, was getting about an hour of run time with the magnum star bulb and now i 'm getting about 3.5 to 4 hours with the led

i use one of these lights on the bed stand so it gets to sit around a lot,,,, that's where the lithium batts come to play,,,, i think it's worth the money

i'm no expert,,, but i did stay in a holiday inn last nigh

my .02

I just ordered one so we'll see how it turns out. I will post beam shots for those who are following this thread.

I use the 6EX in a 2C with 2 18500's. Works great. Draws about 450mA at the tail.
Okay... I am pleased to report the TLE-6EX in a 2 C mag with three CR123As is a flat out amazing upgrade! It produces a brite white light with tons of throw! If you need a small around the house light that has unbelievable power, this is the Mod for you! This Mod has exceeded my expectations. :twothumbs

Here is what you need:

1 2 C cell Maglite
3 CR123A Lithium Batteries
1 Small length of high temperature PVC pipe
1 Saw to cut the pipe to length
1 Roll of black electrical tape

I am a mechanical dufus and I had this light modded in about 10 minutes.

Good luck,
>1 Small length of high temperature PVC pipe<

where does one get high temp PVC pipe (as opposed to regular PVC pipe)?

I got mine at Home Depot....


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