Is there a way to BUILD a laser?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 6, 2004
Charlottesville, Va
I am in high school and in physics and would like to build a laser... what would i need to make a small... dim... laser?

Hey there:

How good are you at glassblowing? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

The easiest gas laser to make from scratch is a nitrogen laser.

The easiest DPSSFD laser to manufacturer from existing components is a 532nM unit.

I would say you need to read sams laserfaq, however if you are seriously contemplating this you will need to absorb the laserfaq.

I will admit, if you built a laser for a school science fair you would almost be a shoe in for 1st place... Potato clocks are so boring /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

The easiest
try google on building lasers.....

depending on the kind it will range from difficult to impossible for the novice.
look around for a thread called "building a laser" i dont have time to give the link now.... but that will show you what enigmahack and i have in the works at the moment

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