It' Good To See This Place Again


Aug 7, 2005
Hello All,

I've been gone a long, long time. I didn't leave this place for any other reason than flashaholism. I simply could not stand up to the temptation. Like a certain transformed hobbit and ring, I wanted the precious.

I've made only one new purchase in four or more years. I did come across the Ra on a site, but didn't buy one. I know how Gandalf felt when Frodo offered him the one ring.

My collection came in quite handy when Ike rolled through my town. All the rechargeables were charged, the many CR123s at the ready. Ten days without power made me glad the flashaholic in me had acted when I did.

My m*g 74 was a handy hurricane spotlight. My Bulk lights still do occasional pocket duty, and I love the Lionhearts level adjustments. The PD111 still gets a carry day or two as well. A member here, from Florida, gave me some great advice about freezing botted water before a hurricane, and it worked wonders.

I still EDC two or more lights a day, even though I now work in an office. Usually it's the HDS U60 and Orb Raw. Sometimes I do the 2 cell thing, and it's the A2 or G2. The Gladius and U2 still get into the rotation. The old style VB-16 gets house use, the commemerative CPF version, old no. 13 is a cherished shelf queen.

During my time here I ignited some friends flashaholism, and they are Fenix fanatics. The latest ones are quite bright indeed. At a gunshow my other friends bought some Chinese made weapon lights, again very bright.

One member here once said that his old LED lights were not getting any dimmer, in reference to his being sated and not needing the latest, greatest brighest lightest LED. I agree. The low level dimming for me is the greatest thing since sliced bread!

The sole new light is a rechargeable headlamp from the Sportsman's Guide. It was advertised as 130 lumen, but it's not as bright as the U60, so I know that's not right. The runtime is overstated as well. But it has two green LEDs that do run for a long time. The main light is bright enough. It's also very lightweight and comfy to wear. I read to sleep with it. I went for a headlamp because Ike showed me the need for that.

I will take a look around here over the next weeks or so, have already seen a couple of the old names as well as lots of new ones.
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Welcome back!

I understand the temptation for new lights, and nowadays that temptation is fierce.
Welcome home TorchMan! When browsing old threads l often wondered where did some of these once very active members go.

Do you feel that the vibe of CPF is the same as when you left it? What are some of the things that strike you as very new or different? :)

Nitroz! How you been? I don't even know what a Gladius KOT is! I'm glad it's a link, I'll have to take a look!


I haven't been back long enough to say yet. The "skin" seems different, but I think that changed right aound the time I put myself into flashlight rehab!

I would expect new members would bring change to the forums via new peronalities. Collections change as well, though mine hasn't. I still have every one of the lights in my sigline, plus a few there were never room for as well!

Of course the latest greatest, brightest lightest is probably going at a rate equal to or beyond Moore's law. Cree and SSC were the biggest and baddest when I left. Luxeon was stagnant or in decline and had just changed it's bin system. I believe all my LEDs are Luxeon, Nichia and Nichia knock offs.

I've changed in that I only buy Surefire batteries now. They power my lights the best, especially incans. The incan was said to be dying when I imposed exile upon myself, but it gladly still lives. My Battery Station batteries, dated 05/05 and made in China self discharged and some even leaked. Thankfully none did that in my lights. The few I have left won't run any light on high or at least not on high for long. I only use the remaining ones in single cell lights such as the HDS U60. Many were free with purchases from Kevin or a dollar a piece with CPF discount, so I"m not knocking The Battery Station. He may use USA made ones for his brand now also.

The Surefire bought around that time are still going strong, though I have many new ones as well. Plus I know my A2 or U2 won't have any tolerance issues with regards to size with Surefire. Duracell held their own well, but the Surefire can be had for less, and though I've done no run time or meter testing, seem to be better for flashlights.

And I don't remember so many emoticons being so easily available and animated. :)
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The emoticons are quite amusing and fun for sure! I'm pretty new around these parts, but this is a great forum and a very interesting hobby. Having too many flashlights around is never a bad thing, especially in a crisis (Ike in your case).

We've got a few lights in common I see. I love my U2 (going to be modded with an MC-E soon I think). I just recently bought a McLux III PD-S which will be getting freshly coated and an led upgrade (thinking XP-G). I also have an Orb Raw Aluminum on the way.

Please post back with more of your thoughts as you check out the place. :thumbsup:
The emoticons are quite amusing and fun for sure! I'm pretty new around these parts, but this is a great forum and a very interesting hobby. Having too many flashlights around is never a bad thing, especially in a crisis (Ike in your case).

We've got a few lights in common I see. I love my U2 (going to be modded with an MC-E soon I think). I just recently bought a McLux III PD-S which will be getting freshly coated and an led upgrade (thinking XP-G). I also have an Orb Raw Aluminum on the way.

Please post back with more of your thoughts as you check out the place. :thumbsup:

MC-E, XP-G, these are Cree bins? I'm not up to speed anymore. I'll have to find some threads that explain this new Greek! :grin2:
Welcome Home Torchman! You've got a lot of reading to do brother. :welcome:
Nitroz! How you been? I don't even know what a Gladius KOT is! I'm glad it's a link, I'll have to take a look!

The Gladius was modded to use a K2 Philips LED and is no longer in my possession, I do miss it though.
I love my U2 (going to be modded with an MC-E soon I think).

That's one of the best upgrades I have ever done to a light, and the most challenging without having a lathe. I had to do the reflector by hand.
That's one of the best upgrades I have ever done to a light, and the most challenging without having a lathe. I had to do the reflector by hand.

I'll be sending it to another forum member to do. :grin2: Haven't done any mods myself yet. Though, one day I hope to.