I've finally decided on which AA to buy.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2010
Pittsburgh Pa
After agonizing back and forth between different flashlights I've made my decision. I went with the Fenix LD10 R4. Id like to thank all of those who offered their opinions and expertise. I also appreciated the heads up on the CPF discount;).
Ya know, I think you guys/gals have jinxed me. A few of you commented that I basically would become a flashlight fanatic after hanging around here. I think you may be right. I caught myself saying to myself; "If this light doesn't work out I'll just order something else". NOT GOOD- NOT GOOD......
Good catch, I hope you like your Fenix, i can remember when I bought my first properly researched flashlight, the Fenix P3D Q5 super bright, then I got a TK11 then a P1D CE then a Nitecore EX10 then a D10 then an Extreme then a Defender then I got into high powered howire Mags then a Novatac and the list goes on and on and on...

Have fun and enjoy your first purchase to find out what you like and dont like before your next purchase, because you know and I know you will buy another torch sooner than later lol:crackup: :thumbsup:
After agonizing back and forth between different flashlights I've made my decision. I went with the Fenix LD10 R4. Id like to thank all of those who offered their opinions and expertise. I also appreciated the heads up on the CPF discount;).
Ya know, I think you guys/gals have jinxed me. A few of you commented that I basically would become a flashlight fanatic after hanging around here. I think you may be right. I caught myself saying to myself; "If this light doesn't work out I'll just order something else". NOT GOOD- NOT GOOD......

I think you made a good choice. And yes; hanging around at CPF will usually lead to a strong flashlight-fanaticism. Enjoy, but watch your wallet/creditcard!

Regards, Patric