Flashlight Enthusiast
Some of you may remember how I went all gaga over my Streamlight Microstream last fall, about the time that This_Is_Nascar did his fantastic review. Well, after reading that and a few other mentions I decided that some extra runtime would be nice, so I bought a SL Stylus Pro as well. I love them both, and they have both done duty as my EDC over the last nine months. But now, all of a sudden, the Stylus Pro is FLICKERING, and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY. I put fresh AAA primaries in, but it made no difference. So I guess I have two questions: 1) What caused it? and 2) How do I fix it?
Oh, and 3) Has anyone else had the same problem?
Thanks in Advance for any insight!
Oh, and 3) Has anyone else had the same problem?
Thanks in Advance for any insight!