Try John at
Located in Toronto - tell him Stan referred you.
Good luck!
clone7, Stan, thanks for this. I was wondering when we would see a JB dealer in CDA. :twothumbsThanks! Just spkoke to John and he said once they are released he will get them in.
Thanks again.
Thx Stan, no PST / GST and free shipping?! Holy jumpin', that's sweet! I'll check out their website for sure. Btw, does anyone know if they will stock the new Raptor? I tried sending an e-mail but it looks like it was delayed in sending. Anyone hear from them already on this?You're welcome!
RGB_LED - the pricing from j2led is usually quite attractive and you can buy in either CAD or US $. I should mention that shipping is free and there is no PST/GST for Canadian buyers. :twothumbs