Flashlight Enthusiast
Hi folks,
Since I've got 2 batches built and sold, I'm thinking about batch 3.
Before I do, I'd like to hear back from those who've used them.
This will not only go into the next batch of JM-SSTs, but also go into the design of my regulator that is currently showing real promise. Breadboarding is going very well.
So let's have it!
Too fragile? Too big? Not adjustable enough? Starts too fast? Starts too slow? Sh*tty build quality?
And the good stuff too.
Post your successes and failures.
Thanks, all.
Since I've got 2 batches built and sold, I'm thinking about batch 3.
Before I do, I'd like to hear back from those who've used them.
This will not only go into the next batch of JM-SSTs, but also go into the design of my regulator that is currently showing real promise. Breadboarding is going very well.
So let's have it!
Too fragile? Too big? Not adjustable enough? Starts too fast? Starts too slow? Sh*tty build quality?
And the good stuff too.
Post your successes and failures.
Thanks, all.