JSB AA body

It's not the prettiest thing I've ever seen, but it is a clever way of having an ARC AA without actually having an ARC AA. I'd like to read a review from anyone that gets one. These should sell as there are a lot of people in the ARC forum begging for a new AA light to be produced. Interesting find.
The bodies are made by me, and the current models do not have a lanyard attachment point, though it is something that could be changed later. They were designed to be as compact as possible, omitting the hole allows for this. It was decided that it's kind of large for keychain carry anyway.
I'm assuming the end screws off to change the battery. If that's so, would it be possible to offer a separate endcap with a keychain lug some time in the future? I'm going to get a body no matter what, but a lug would just be more icing on an already heavlily iced cake.
Yes, it would be possible. These were only made in small quantities as sort of a "test". Future versions may be made with a hole, lug, or even a piece that allows you to screw two together end-to-end :p
That would be sweet, but I am content with the current offering for now. How consistent is the anodizing from piece to piece? The body in the picture looks like a great match for the Arc head.
The consistency from piece to piece is very good, I had a bunch of them next to each other and didn't notice a difference, but I wasn't looking for one either. It also matches my Arc head very nicely.
A small filler between the body and tail-cap, something like a washer or a snap-ring but with a hole or a protruding loop, anything that you could get a split-ring or directly loop a lanyard through might work nicely without adding to the bulk.

Looking at this time and effort, a certain song just pops into my head, and can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVzRMlvi81k.
I am wanting one more and more every time I look at it. Curious as to it's compatibility with new and old heads as far as thread differences...???

*edit* price has not changed
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A Kroll will not screw all the way down onto this body. This was designed to be as compact of a package as reasonably possible and the mag tailcap/kroll threading takes up a lot more space than it needs to. I'm considering making it slightly longer to accommodate a Kroll though.
Price has not been changed, it was always $35 :shrug:
What's the word on compatibility with older heads?
Is there any possibility we could get a picture of it with the tail removed? How does it seal in the back?
Be neat to see one without the odd looking front end. I suppose that means less of a taper, more of a flat cut off front that the head screws down into, although for ease of turning the head, a little taper is required.

Was it the old n cell body that was like that?