July News

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 26, 2001
Mesa, AZ. USA
The Arc-AAA DS are back in stock. This is our 9 lumen/5hr single AAA flashlight. The order page is here.

The black HA Arc-AAA parts should start to arrive in inventory late next week. I know some of you are beginning to request these. The plan still is to only make the one batch.

After ordering test lots from various suppliers, I finally found some P4 LEDs I like and as of today, they are being installed in Arc6 heads. I anticipate that after final assembly and testing, we should have regular production of Arc6 with the P4 shipping by the end of this month. The price will be $300 for the flashlight (with sleeve of your choice) and $60 for an extra sleeve. I also plan on offering UCL windows as an accessory (customer install) and I am looking into offering powerizer rechargeable kits as well.

The new P4s are all bin W42180-U2SW-0I, which is a nicer bin than I was expecting. The tint is dead center in the cool white bin. I plan on having sphere results in about 2 weeks so I will then be able to publish a minimum lumen output for this version.

There has been no change to the firmware on the Arc6 since the first pre-production units have shipped. Apparently RC-A was a pretty good rev as we have yet to have any problems with it.

You probably have noticed our email response time has improved a little. We hired a new girl ("Anna") and she is helping Maria with the email.

Have a good July everyone. I know a lot of you are on vacation so have a fun and safe time.

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Any E.T.A. on when the P4 equipped Arcs will start showing up in the website??
Peter, when the black AAA-DS's arrive, a photo would be appreciated. Will they have the same engravings as the natural HA version?
Great to hear the news on the Arc6. I've started selling some lights to fund another Arc6 :D
The new P4s are all bin W42180-U2SW-0I, which is a nicer bin than I was expecting.

What are the performance expectations compared to the K2? I thought the benefit of the K2 is it's ablity to withstand the higher drive levels?
Don't the P4's tend to turn blue and loose brightness if overdriven? With the high current capability of the Arc6 it seems this could be a problem depending on how it is used. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I recall reading about the P4's.
Don't the P4's tend to turn blue and loose brightness if overdriven? With the high current capability of the Arc6 it seems this could be a problem depending on how it is used. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I recall reading about the P4's.
This is very interesting... Someone asked in another thread about the thermal protection issues of the light and the answer was not to use lvl 7... but that would be like buying a high-horsepower sportscar and asking the owners not to use the 6th gear because the car would shut-down , you won't be able to return the car though...:green:
The thermal and other protections systems work on all levels of the light. You can turn any level on and leave it running and the light will protect every component from excessive power.


Would like to know when black HA Arc-AAA can be orderable and which ARC AAA type will be DS/GS?

Thanks a lot.
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