602C uses plastic lens and has no comparison. Hotspot on the 602C is bigger and dimmer with good spill (kind of flooded light). This buckle light uses aluminum SMO reflector and project all of its light very well, with tighter and more force hotspot, and useable sidespill.
Not to mention the most shipping batch from 602C has questionable body and reflector.
how bad was it? I just placed an order for one
It puts out a ton of lumens on a standard AAA. I think Kai and product page showed it as a 1.2/1.5v battery light from the start.
For this KD AAA, can anyone recommend some good rechargable AAA's? If the runtime is only 45 min. I'll need to invest in some rechargables.
I think they test it on a regular battery (I might be wrong), I think using Eneloop Rechargabe would last a bit long because it's 1000mAh..can anyone confirm this? Did anyone try it on Energizer Lithium AAA?
Well I read this too late.
I could have sworn I read this light would be brighter with a lithium, I thought 10440.
I received my 10440's and yup.
But, the LED is fine. I blew something else apart. Haven't smelled that smell for awhile..
I turned it into a direct drive 10440. I hope my pants don't explode. it is super bright, but not sure if it will last. I gooped up thermal paste inside to help if it could help at all. Super bright for now anyway..