Keeping my 2 Mill Dorcey charged


Jul 22, 2006
Ottawa, Ont. Canada
This may not be the correct area to ask but ... I've been re-charging my Dorcey 2 million on a monthly basis . I turn it on for maybe 5 mins then plug it in for another 24 hrs.

Newyears eve with drunken burglers made me want this light ready at all times .

Am I taking care of the light/Cell properlly ?

If it has a SLA-battery (Sealed Lead Acid), then indeed it should be kept fully charged at all times!

But some spotlight-electronics do a bad job, and overcharge the battery!

Best is, if you have the skills, to make a seperate charge input, and charge the battery with a costant-voltage at max 1 amp.

I use a 13.8 volt 800 mA costant-voltage charger for the 12 volt 7.2 Ah SLA-battery in my HID-Thor.
The advantage: You can leave it plugged in for weeks, months maybe even years without damaging the battery!

I kept some of my batteries in perfect shape for 8 years that way !

Keeping them charged prevents the forming of sulphates, that permanently decrease capacity.


Thanks Ra .... though what you advise is beyond my capabilities.

I just wondered if I should discharge the light or at least use it for 5 minutes or so before re-charging it.

Or does it matter ?

It's an inexpensive Dorcy 2 mill Spotlight seen here

I have memories of picking up an older spotlight in an emergency and it being dead. Either I had over charged it (is that possible?) or at some point let it go before recharging.
What I do now is .... at the end of every month I use it for 5 mins then plug it in for approx 12 hours.