Kel-lite guy

Kel-Lite 911

Newly Enlightened
May 19, 2007
Hello out there, I collect "cop lites" most any kind that were used on the job. I have lites that are big and small, the big is a 24" 10 Dcell Brinkman and the small are surefire and pelicans. I focus mostly on Kel-lite , B Lite and Smoke cutter. My website is and my email is [email protected] I buy Kel-lites intact or for parts. Russell
Welcome to CPF. I've seen your pics, nice little collection you've started. I'm still trying to get mine fully fleshed out, been at it for a few years. I'll buy lights, parts, and ephemera of all types.
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Hello in Mass, Question on a local event in Mass....Brimfield Antique show in September? I am thinking of doing the show and look for lites...what do you think? russell
I have a few Kel-Lites up on ebay right now, along with a Tru-Grit. I posted in the auction notification section. I don't know much about them, but I am impressed with their quality. The Tru-Grit is really a handful at 22+ inches, and looks like it can be broken down into a smaller 2 cell light.
Tru-Grit was an early competitor to Kel-Lite. I belive most of them were sold in the early '70s. Each knurled section should unscrew from the rest, making the light infinitely variable in length. A lanyard ring can also be unscrewed from the inside of the tailcap and remounted onto the outside.
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Thanks ABTOMAT, I just checked out the flashlight, and it does unscrew into 7 sections at the end of each knurled section. Credit given to you in my auction. I'm half tempted to bid on my own auction, now, that is a really cool light :)
New member desperatley seeks replacement reflector for 5D Kel-lite. Or, ven a contact for someone who refurbishes these reflectors.