Kids Never Ever Try This At Home.

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Apr 18, 2007
I am very concerned over the fact we have some people in the laser community thats setting very bad examples. If anyone in there right mind can justify, pulling a stunt like this with a 125mW + portable laser, please try to explain yourself. I would like to hear peoples opinion of what your about to watch:

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This person is someone who doesn't care about you, me, himself, the laser industry, manufacturers or the community. Who in there right mind would pull a stunt like this with no eye protection and post something like this for our kids to learn from. Please, do NOT try this stunt for any reason! Pointing a laser like this at ones face is very dangerous and considered extremely irresponsible.
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Thats so stupid ..........smoking is bad for you.
I coulda lit the cigarette faster lighting my fart.
But then again... who wants to put their face in my a$$ while I light it? I just might catch ALL your hair on fire depending on what I ate the day before!
Crstalgal - is this what you do - go around forum to forum, trying to stir up hate and discontent ?

If he wants to do that, fine ! Setting a bad example ? For who ? Adults that know better ? Children who should not have lasers anyways ? People with no brains, and the inability to make their own decisions ? Here's my opinion since you asked for it.

I think that anyone that would do something they saw in a video on youtube is a total moron. Almost as stupid as a person who would post drivel, insinuating that anyone would blindly follow suit and do as someone on a video does. Goodness - some people have their wits about them, and frankly, I am offended that you would even assume otherwise.

That's my opinion.
SenKat said:
Crstalgal - is this what you do - go around forum to forum, trying to stir up hate and discontent ?

If he wants to do that, fine ! Setting a bad example ? For who ? Adults that know better ? Children who should not have lasers anyways ? People with no brains, and the inability to make their own decisions ? Here's my opinion since you asked for it.

I think that anyone that would do something they saw in a video on youtube is a total moron. Almost as stupid as a person who would post drivel, insinuating that anyone would blindly follow suit and do as someone on a video does. Goodness - some people have their wits about them, and frankly, I am offended that you would even assume otherwise.

That's my opinion.

That type of focus shifting redirect, does not take away from the stupidity from that mans example and suggests you most likely pull similar stunts in the definance you show. For any responsible laserist to advocate my purpose, such as you have displayed suggests serious intent to sway opinion and I am sure you must know this person and or act in a similar fashion around kids and enthusiasts. try to explain away stupidity all you want, you just showed the rest of the community your true colors in how you reacted.

That's my opinion
Post what you want - free world ! You never did answer any of my questions why is that ?

One more for you - Does trying to belittle someone else make you feel good ?
I'm with you on this one CrystalGal. I think that's a really stupid thing to do shining a 125mW laser into your face like that. I'm glad they're not allowed to sell high powered laser pointers in the UK although that doesn't stop people from buying them over the internet. I think there should be laws against the sales of these items worldwide. Imagine what would happen if some dumb kid got hold of one.
Thank you, its hard to believe someone would even rebuttal an act like this. It's a real shame to have people redirected by someone pointing out a huge reason lasers are being targeted by legislation. Authorities could see this and use it as edvidence against the laser industry. People just dont care about others passions for safety in this very sensitive industy over this very example. Sorry, but if your going to shoot the messenger of this type of news, then so be it. Bang Im dead...
monkeyboy, you think they should ban laser sales worldwide??? Are you also for the burning of books ala 1984 if they have information in them that you don't like? I'm not a fan of this type of logically flawed argument, but saying laser sales should be banned is just something I don't like the idea of! Lasers are great fun for people like me who enjoy them and use them responsibly. I'm with senkat, if this guy wants to blind himself, who cares! The statue of liberty stands for freedom, and so do I. If authorities want to use this video as a reason to ban lasers, then so be it. That would be very dumb of authorities, in my opinion however.
Birds of the same feather always flock together. Take names folks I am sure you will see gang like mentality develop from this little flock to get his thread locked. Just remember who the insighters will be...

So - it is okay for you to "rally the troops" about your cause, and not for anyone to agree with someone elses' opinions ? Is this NOT a free country still, despite you and people like you who seek to limit and censor everything ? So - how about answering my questions ? Gang mentality ? Please - seriously, think about your responses prior to posting...It may help a bit.

Well, since the mods will delete this thread soon anyways - why don't you answer my questions ? Oh - and Whos' thread are you referring to ? Yours ? You want your own thread locked ?

In the famous words of Vinnie Bag o' Donuts from the best movie in the world, My Cousin Vinnie, " I'm through with this guy"

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Well see thats a nice picture you paint, but in reality after a little google on your forum handle and we find out, where your little "Flock" comes from. Your a colleague of the guy pulling this stunt over there on laserpointerforums. Real nice Example Mr.SenKat, you got a wonderful community going on over there, moderators supporting moderators. I hope it serves you well in your endeavours to completely ruin the perception people have of the lasers community. Well done Mr!

In the famous words of Buzz Lightyear from the best kid movie of all time, Toy Story, "You are a strange, little man"
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