Newly Enlightened
I've been outta the Laser scene for a good spell....I always take my 200mW Greenie fishing with me at Lake Mead here. Inbetween the Newcastles and the 1-1/2lb. Striped Bass, I dropped it.... Yep,,,, She's a gonner.... Called for a replacement (Deal-Xtreme in China) and they swear they never sold me a 200mW Green Laser because it's always been illegal in the States. (I still have the receipt in my filing cabinet from them)
Is this true, or is she confused and it's now illegal?
If Green Lasers areillegal, what's an old fart like myself gonna have to do to get another toy for when I go fish'in in the dark??
Fish'in just won't be the same without my Laser.....
Honestly now....
And why would they make them illegal? Some moron flash a pilot in his eyeball? Ruined it for us good guys or what? I just want my toy back.....Damn fish slime is to blame for my dropping it!!
Thanks for any tid bits you can toss my direction!!
~Steve M.~ Las Vegas, NV
Is this true, or is she confused and it's now illegal?
If Green Lasers areillegal, what's an old fart like myself gonna have to do to get another toy for when I go fish'in in the dark??
Fish'in just won't be the same without my Laser.....

And why would they make them illegal? Some moron flash a pilot in his eyeball? Ruined it for us good guys or what? I just want my toy back.....Damn fish slime is to blame for my dropping it!!
Thanks for any tid bits you can toss my direction!!
~Steve M.~ Las Vegas, NV