I have been on CPF for 17ish years. I've spent thousands on lights, I don't want to know how much LOL. There has been many great lights pass thru my hands. See my sigline, those are all still near and dear to my heart. 
Enter the Laulima Ion Slim. For EDC, this light is about as perfect as it comes for my use. I have owned this light for 9 months, the honeymoon is over and I'm still in love. 💞
The slim runs a 14500 Li Ion cell. Has a stout clip that grips, the smooth body doesn't tear up your pockets. Programmable H17Fx driver, and is avail with high CRI emitters. And for such a slim light, the McClicky switch has a nice wide opening for easy activation.
I own 2 of these, one in Aluminum with a 4500K dome on 519a, and a Ti one with a 4500K Dedome 519a.
Josh Dawson is great to deal with as well, he seems to stand by his product.

Enter the Laulima Ion Slim. For EDC, this light is about as perfect as it comes for my use. I have owned this light for 9 months, the honeymoon is over and I'm still in love. 💞
The slim runs a 14500 Li Ion cell. Has a stout clip that grips, the smooth body doesn't tear up your pockets. Programmable H17Fx driver, and is avail with high CRI emitters. And for such a slim light, the McClicky switch has a nice wide opening for easy activation.
I own 2 of these, one in Aluminum with a 4500K dome on 519a, and a Ti one with a 4500K Dedome 519a.
Josh Dawson is great to deal with as well, he seems to stand by his product.

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