So they really arent 7000mcd then you think?
I think they probably do come close to that figure- I`d meter one myself now but for 2 things- it`s daytime here right now (about 2PM and there`s no dark windowless room I can use either) and the LEDs themselves are all in a little bag buried under some pile of junk someplace round here
Thing is- Nichia`s LEDs, the way we all like to drive them (ie,
Overdrive) put out a lot more than 5600mcd. An Infinity torch, er sorry,
Flashlight puts out just under 6000mcd (well mine does)- and that`s a fairly dim light, right? But the Arc-AAA probably gives 14000 or 15000mcds cos of the overdriving of the LED- making a bright light. Those big LEDs, because of the different way the phosphor is applied and possibly because of a different die structure too (I can`t remember if it`s a cube shaped Cree single wire bond type in there), do not respond well to overdriving so you`d be lucky to get maybe 8000mcds from one, pushed as hard as it`ll take- maybe 30-40mA.
Remember, also, that the beam is narrower (which means more mcds from less Lumens)- I seem to remember it is oval shaped and about 10x8 degrees, with a sharp fall-off, not the wider smooth gradient of the Nichia 5mm type.
As an LED enthusuast, they`re interesting. But that`s all, really. Nichias are the best bet for lighting purposes, well aside form Luxeons of course.