LED versus INCAN...

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Jan 19, 2008
Before you guys jump to conclusions about this thread, I'd like to just say that it's not what you think it is. Now I don't know if it's appropriate for me to post this, but since this is an open forum, I'll go ahead and do it.

Why are incan and LED guys so segregated? I post a simple comment in the incan section concerning a SF 6P and some guy responds with a very rude and sarcastic remark. Someone asked a question and I asked a simple question ("is in incan your only option?") in return, and I get drilled about posting that in the incan section?! :rolleyes:

I'm sure we're all "flashlight enthusiasts", otherwise, we wouldn't be here. So why can't we all get along. Some tend to think they're God Almighty or something. Especially to a noob like me, and many others. I've seen it all too many times in my short time here. I'm sure these "God Almighty" guys have been in our shoes at one point, so why can't/don't they understand where us noob's are coming from?

Sorry for the short rant, but I feel that it was/is very inappropriate for someone to respond in such a manner. I'm a moderator on the largest Nissan forum and we don't get people that rude on there. From time to time we'll get a troll, but you know how that goes.

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generic808, I'm going to close this right away, before it starts.

Threads and posts like this will not survive here. Your accusation of trolling in another thread would be more applicable to your own opening post in this one.
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