It appears (and I may well be wrong, here) that LEDs are more efficient in turning watts into lumens... I've read that with LEDs heat is a byproduct of light while with incans, light is a byproduct of heat.
Should I draw the conclusion from this that an LED of a given physical size is likely to be brighter than an incan of the same size?
And while we're at it, let me ask about modifying LEDs and incans.... which are easier to modify and which offer the best results in response to available modifications?
If anyone is kind enough to answer this, whether agreeing or disagreeing, could you give me one or more examples?
Would I get the same or different answers from the incan forum..... should I post the same question there?
Should I draw the conclusion from this that an LED of a given physical size is likely to be brighter than an incan of the same size?
And while we're at it, let me ask about modifying LEDs and incans.... which are easier to modify and which offer the best results in response to available modifications?
If anyone is kind enough to answer this, whether agreeing or disagreeing, could you give me one or more examples?
Would I get the same or different answers from the incan forum..... should I post the same question there?