left for dead


Newly Enlightened
Feb 3, 2009
Greenwich, CT
so i was playing left for dead, one of these new zombie games, and noticed something i would have never noticed before. how crappy the flashlight they are using is. you would think that fighting hordes of zombies and fighting for your life you'd use the best flashlight possible, something that has no artifacts with just enough throw and just enough fill. my friends, non-flashoholics, think i am crazy for saying such things about flashlights...
At least metal gear solid 4 got it right - you can even temporarily blind the baddies :devil:
The flashlight used in Left 4 Dead is great. It is very similar to the Surefire E2L in beam pattern. However, the way the flashlight actually works is hindered due to the way lighting is rendered -- if you held a flashlight really close to a wall like you might in the game, the rest of the room would be lit up by the light reflecting off the wall onto most other objects in the room. But in the game, holding the light all the way up to the wall only lights up what the beam directly hits, without any reflections. So you only get a small lit circle. Very frustrating to experienced flashlight users.

Once light rays are able to be traced more realistically in realtime flashlights will be significantly more useful in games.

By the way it is Left 4 Dead not just for the word "for" but because it is a four player team. Cool right?
MGS4 did get it right! Right now i'm waiting for the 360 I bought to come in so I can play left 4 dead. I will have to see what you are talking about.
In the first Silent Hill for the Playstation, the light Harry wears on his chest has a run time of at least a month. I know because that's how long it took me to win the game. Nice spill too.
I have yet to play a game that had a decent flashlight in it. Half Life and Half Life 2 always made me laugh... all the technology in the world and the rechargeable flashlight is only good for ~30 seconds.
Gee, i'm still searching for a New Battery

for the brass lantern in Zork 1.


To me, that would've been more precious

than any of those "other" treasures.


I'm just happy to see flashlights in video games. Too often, game designers use the lazy approach to make a game more challenging....

"Let's put the character in total darkness so that the player can't see $#^%!"

Frustrating as Hell, and rather lame. Especially since in reality, you'd be able to at least feel your way around a pitch black room. Can't do that in a video game.
I would probably BUY a console just to play a game that allows you to download "flashlights" off the internet, and plug them is as mods. And these flashlight files would have beam profile info, tint info...battery info...everything, so it can render everything about the light properly.

then of course we can do our own mods, and use cheats to create insanely powerful lights in insanely small packages

(10,00,00 lumen drake anyone?)

if only...

The only game i have seen one in was the old Unreal tournament game of the year edition it was a power up you could get that lasted 15sec before you had to find another.
so i was playing left for dead, one of these new zombie games, and noticed something i would have never noticed before. how crappy the flashlight they are using is.

That's funny that you started this thread. I was thinking the same thing.

I've been playing single player for a while and I'm almost done. We should meet up and play online together!
Fallout has me that way when I'm shooting things (people/zombies/dogs/giant mutated crabs/ants/bears/etc..) in the sewers. I keep wishing I could trade the in game light (the pipboy light, green and diffuse) which isn't bad, but I'd love a thrower. I keep thinking "oh man where's my a19...." or "if I only had my M60..."
I have yet to play a game that had a decent flashlight in it. Half Life and Half Life 2 always made me laugh... all the technology in the world and the rechargeable flashlight is only good for ~30 seconds.

tell me about it, a suit that has a force shield, but a flashlight so crappy it only last for 30 secs then...:poof:
I just played Left 4 dead for the first time yesterday...

the flashlight is SO bright! and the batteries last amazingly long...

but the only thing, is like what carrot said.....there is no ceiling bounce, which is actually really annoying considering the game looks pretty real otherwise, and something like that just makes you feel wierd. Further more, ceiling bounce would come in handy for spotting those zombies in small rooms..

Some one mentioned about mods for flashlights in gaming?

I remember when DoomIII came out and someone mentioned the exact same thing. Then this came out. People were able to mod the beam profiles of their weapon lights. However, someone went a little too far and did this....

The HK mod. [Definitely not to be confused with the PK mod.]
Some one mentioned about mods for flashlights in gaming?

I remember when DoomIII came out and someone mentioned the exact same thing. Then this came out. People were able to mod the beam profiles of their weapon lights. However, someone went a little too far and did this....

The HK mod. [Definitely not to be confused with the PK mod.]


That's too much.

Left for dead sounds like a pretty cool game. I just need to find someone with an Xbox 360.

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