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Life Stories... Giveaway


Newly Enlightened
Sep 14, 2010
Keep the votes coming :)

I have not had time to read all of the stories but I did read Post 47 out of curiosity. Just like a movie...Thank you for sharing.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2012
Southern California
Although post 47 is the winning post, we all are winners, by sharing our lives we enhance our relationship with each other and deepen our sense of community in CPF. Thank you for sharing your lives with me...

SA Condor

Jul 11, 2015
South Carolina and Bolivia, South America
As much as I want to win the light, I think SA Condor has the greater need, so I vote for post 47. I will say this, if by some miracle I win, I will personally send SA Condor a light and cells to help further the cause in a safe way. Vinh, thanks for a great giveaway that helps us all at CPF get to know each other better.

Wow! Very kind of you. I'm touched by your kind words and generous heart!

Great giveaway and a really fascinating read,some really touching and scary stuff!!

Ed,a true gent you are! and vinh for the giveaway.

I will go with you Ed and vote 47,hopefully help mr condor keep his family and others that little bit safer:)

post # 47
There were lots of great stories here that were deserving to win but my vote goes to #47.
I have to go with #47 also.

Thank you each and every one of your for your support!

Although post 47 is the winning post, we all are winners, by sharing our lives we enhance our relationship with each other and deepen our sense of community in CPF. Thank you for sharing your lives with me...

I'm new here on CPF, I agree . . . This was a neat way to get to know some of you, thank you each for sharing these stories.

I have not had time to read all of the stories but I did read Post 47 out of curiosity. Just like a movie...Thank you for sharing.

I wish it had been a movie I was watching! But, as I pull my socks on each morning (there are scars) I have a reminder of our ordeal and it makes me grateful for my family's safety. Don't take life for granted!