lighting for iguana care


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
they say they need uvb light whats the cheapest way oither then the sun to provide it to em ina 20 gallon long tank also any other tips on there care food etc etc?
I don't know about the light, but when I had iguana's they loved romain lettuce and broccoli. I gave them cooked white meat chicken a couple of times, but they got more violent each time. After that... only veggie's and fruit:tinfoil: They seemed to like bananas too.
cool at elast it will be cheap to feed em i eat lots of vedgies

Most commonly used is the Vita-lite. Ultraviolet radiation is required for the synthesis of vitamin D3 which is essential for the absorption of calcium. It can also have an effect on behavior and overall vigor. Iguanas require a light cycle of 12-14 hours per day. This can best be achieved by providing the iguana with a commercial 50 watt basking bulb placed 6 inches from the top of the enclosure and mounted in a standard clamp type light fixture from any hardware store. To provide the proper light cycle is very simple with the purchase of an electric timer that the light may be plugged into and set to rotate on and off every 12-14. Caution should always be used when placing an iguana outside to be sure and protect the iguana from predators and from over heating. NEVER PLACE AN IGUANA OUTSIDE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT WITHIN A GLASS AQUARIUM

..mine liked the greens from scallions..I don't know if he liked the onion part; I ate those..