Lightwave 4000 vs ?


Jul 3, 2001
I assume some of the new owners of the Lightwave 4000 also own some of the other top end LED flashlights. (Or you couldn't *officially* be called a flashlightaholic.
Specifically, I'm interested in a comparison to the CC Trek 7 LED 3 C cell light. The information I've seen on the Lightwave 4000 makes me think the 10 LED's aren't running at 'full power'. Perhaps this is because of claims like: it will run for a month (!)


I was pretty impressed with the Trek 7, until I got an EternaLight Ergo Marine. The 4 LED EternaLight seems almost as bright as the Trek 7, and it is so much smaller and handier to use: like, I can hold it in my mouth; the 3 C cell Trek 7 weighs too much to do that for any time.
I'm hoping the Lightwave 4000 is actually brighter than the 7 LED CC Expedition; if it's not, it's too big to really be worth hauling around.
Frankly, of the LED flashlights I've seen, personally, the ErgoLight is the best balance between output and size; and battery life is certainly ample for my needs.

Of course (and you'll hate this part :mad

I got my Ergo Marine for $2 at an auction. No not ebay.
, another very small auction site I literally stumbled across. I put in a bid of $2. *No one* else bid, and the folks at neglected to put in a minimum or a reserve price. Of course, they stung me for $6.50 in shipping

But I like the size of the EternaLight: I carry it on a lanyard around my neck, tucked into my shirt pocket. Easy to get at and use.
Given a choice, I'd eliminate most of the programmed features, or at least put the 'momentary on' near the top of the list of 'special effects' I mean, how often do you think you'll se the strobe, or SOS function???
Looking foreward to first hand reports on comparisons between the Lightwave 4000, and the relatively few lights that are in the same league.

Thanks to all.


Aug 12, 2000
Federal Way WA. USA
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gandalf:
I assume some of the new owners of the Lightwave 4000 also own some of the other top end LED flashlights. (Or you couldn't *officially* be called a flashlightaholic.
Specifically, I'm interested in a comparison to the CC Trek 7 LED 3 C cell light.

Well, I'll have one for about the next 18 to 20 days. As soon as I can get some "D" cells (probably July 5, since Seattle pretty much shuts down on holidays), I'll do this for you.


Mar 27, 2001
youngstown ohio the land of the mafia
we'll what i'm about to say you might not want to hear.i bought a trek 7 green and a lightwave 4 led green.i spent 69$ and 29$.i was impressed with the lightwave.i carry it when i wear a the winter here in ohio.but the trek 7 was so minutely brighter that i sent it back.hell i could 2.25 lightwave's for the price of one trek 7.

plain and simple buy the lightwave.its lighter,more compact,just as bright and the price is pun intended!


Gandalf..... Here are pictures of Lightwave4000 and Trek-7. Lightwave4000 lightbeam is brighter and wider than Trek-7. It is also bigger, longer, and heavier than Trek-7. It has a lanyard which I think with its weight should have been a shoulder strap keeping flashlight in position while using it on the trail. If you already have the Trek-7 you'll love Lightwave4000's pushbutton switch.


Another composite shot of LED flashlights.

LED and 2 filament bulb flashlights (942x1320 135kb)

- verge -


Jul 3, 2001
Thanks for doing the comparison betwen the Trek 7, and the Lightwave 4000. It does look as though the Lightwave 4000 edges out the Trek 7. Not by a lot, but enough so it's likely I'll pine away until I get one

I also followed the link to some of your other photos, and I'm very glad I did. Just like with the Infinity CMG, the white Arc Light is wimpy compared to the aqua/torquoise one. I plan to buy an Arc light, but I was wondering about the relative brightnss of white compared to the color LED's. I had bought a white CMG, and was *hugely* dissapointed with it. I expected it to be as bright as my Stylus 3 in white: it's not, and it's not by a *lot*!
I finally broke down and bought a green CMG. I'm not crazy about the color, but it puts out so much more light that it turns a 'barely usable' white LED light, to a very usable, but green LED light. So it's not cutting edge technology; at least it puts out a decent amount of light!

Of course, with the soon to be in production ARC-Ls, I will likely put off buying any small LED light, until this light is in production. My white CMG rarely gets used; I'd hate to see that happen to the more expensive ARC light, as well.

Thanks again for the Lightwave 4000 comparison. An E-mail to AGR, for a Lightwave 4000, is next on my to do list.