Lionheart blinkie??


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2004
Brookston, IN
I got my LH today, and when I put the battery in it glows low for about a second, then flashes REALLY bright and goes out.

What's it telling me? I'm a total newbie to this whole Mr.Bulk thing. .

Boy, but from looking at pictures, I thought it would be a lot bigger than it actually is. Holy smokes. . .
It's telling you that the button is stuck in the "in" position. When you put the battery in, you're inadvertently entering menu mode because in the V1 firmware, menu mode is activated by holding in the button while first applying power. In all likelyhood, the circuit board has rotated in shipping such that the button is no longer centered in the opening and has become jammed. Take out the battery and rotate the circuit board to center the button, then put in the battery and see what happens.
Brilliant! And it's super bright, too! Holy Smokes!

It's still a little touchy, though. Any tips on how to center the circuit board perfectly?
Use some fine-point tweezers in the small holes to turn it fully one direction, then the other direction, and just put it half-way in between. You'll be good to go! Avoid really tightening the body up and it should stay put for you.

Welcome to the LH clan!
I was afraid of touching those, but I was able to rotate it around and now it's silky smooth and perfectly clean! Nice 8)
Thanks for jumping in guys. ACMarina, if you want it permanently affixed and don't feel comfortable doing it yourself just send it back to me. It is not that big of a deal (the "permanently" part) as there are already complete light assemblies in flashlights out there that have their board, electronics, and even some with their LEDs, all permanently potted in their containers.

If something were to ever go wrong with the electronics in the LH it would be a simple matter of soldering a stout wire onto the anode contact and pulling it out. The rest of the light (even including the Luxeon) would remain intact. Not so for some of these other products as you would have to replace the entire light assembly, and at much greater cost... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif
Just a single dab of epoxy between the board and the head will keep the driver in place. Position it where you like it and just tack it in place - and you're good to go.