Little heads-up on Traser watches


Newly Enlightened
Feb 19, 2007
I bought a Traser Navigator from LA Police Gear less than a year ago and the battery died on me a month ago. LAPG is telling me to e-mail Traser, Traser is saying sorry it's not covered in the warantee.

Now I have a 150.00 dollar watch that's less than a year old that doesn't work and I feel left high and dry.

Take it for what it's worth.
B@rt said:
Batteries are never covered in any warranty. Just go to your local jeweller and have it replaced, it shouldn't cost much. ;)

When I pay 150 bucks for a watch I should'nt have to do that after less than a year. I've got Casio's and Timex's from Walmart doing better.
They were on closeout, mainly because they were sitting, I assume?
Just replace it yourself if the traser is like the Luminox/SandY P650 (4 screws holding the back together)
Whatever, if this is a "rare"/"bad luck" situation you'd think reputible companies would say, "send it back" or "What's your address we'll send you a battery".

Instead, I'm basically being told to pound sand by both companies.

Like I said before, take it for what it's worth, these are the facts, plain and simple.
GarageBoy said:
They were on closeout, mainly because they were sitting, I assume?
Just replace it yourself if the traser is like the Luminox/SandY P650 (4 screws holding the back together)

Last March these were not a closeout and the more I think about it I paid like 160-170 for this thing.

Like I said above I've got older Casio's and Timex's from WallyWorld doing better than this Traser.

Take it for what it's worth....
B@rt said:
Batteries are never covered in any warranty. Just go to your local jeweller and have it replaced, it shouldn't cost much. ;)

Actually many watches have batteries covered by warranty.
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That will be great if it's a DIY. I just seem to remember hearing something about having to send it back to Traser. When I did the research before buying it I thought that wouldn't be a problem after 3 or 4 years. Less than a year is another story.
Won't make you feel any better, but a couple of years ago I purchased a Timex and it lasted only about two months. After considerable effort, managed to open up the back and replace the battery...and haven't been able to replace the backing since.

Wrote to Timex, and apparently they use a special tool, something like a drill press(!) to set the backing. For such a cheap watch, not worth paying for shipping and the "repair." So the watch sits in a drawer...and I will not buy Timex again.
stockae92 said:
less than a couple of bucks + a DIY battery change will fix you right up :)

Be aware that you'll most likely (with this suggestion) lose your water resistance unless you really know what you're doing. Pay to have a jeweler do it IMO.
For what it's worth, some time ago Harbor Freight had a watch kit, with a press and bushings for the watch backs, and one of the adjustable 3 pin wrenches for screw-off backs. Think it was like $4.99. Intended to get one but didn't. Don't have a clue if they still have them.

I wouldn't let a bad battery turn me off a watch that I otherwise was satisfied with. As we all know, bad batteries happen. I'd spend the few bucks and get on with something else.

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