Little help...Bitz or NiteCore SmartPD EX10 or....


Newly Enlightened
Jul 25, 2006
Hi guys...

I'm looking to get a new edc light. I really like both these lights. I was looking for some recommendations for one or the other. I generally like a clickie better, but the twisty of the Bitz might be cool, has a pocket clip. Of course..theres the good ole Fenix P2D as well. Basically I want a small 1 CR123 light that will be good for edc. I need something that can provide a nice low beam for finding something, but also have as much bright as possible for spotin something out. Which ones the ticket..any help appreciated. I've read reviews of both the Bitz and the NiteCore and they both sound like winners...and I cant buy both:naughty:
Not sure about the Bitz but the low on the EX10 / D10 are outstanding. If that's your most important criteria, determine which one has a lower low and go for that one.

Both the Bitz and the EX10 are great lights so you can't go wrong.
im gonna say the BitZ. both great lights. both have nice highs and lows, so the fundamental choice seems to be between twisty vs. other
I have both. I think I prefer the BitZ better. I like the beam much better. It is a twisty, but so smooth it's incredible. It has a really low low, which takes a couple turns to get to because it's not in the main menu.The low in the main menu is fairly low also. The EX10 will throw better, but the craftmanship isn't as good as the BitZ - which costs 2x as much. The BitZ is smaller, extremely well crafted, flawless beam in my opinion, different type of LED, really useful clip. Overall the EX10 is brighter and more throw, but unless you are out spotting I find the BitZ beam more useful. If the BitZ is ever remade with a brighter beam, I won't hesitate to buy it. I still like my EX10 and will probably rotate both.
I have a Bitz and a D10 (I know not an EX10 but close). They are both great lights and I like using them both. Sometimes its hard to decide which one I want to carry if I am only going to take one.

The Bitz is the same diameter as the D10 even though the D10 uses a slimmer AA cell and the Bitz is shorter. The Bitz is a little less noticable in jeans pocket and is lighter. The Bitz beam is as others have mentioned - more even flood/throw and works really well.

I think you can't go wrong with either. I really like the ramping adjustability on the Nitecore but it is also nice to have set levels so you know exactly how much runtime you will have at a particular level. If the price of the Bitz is too high then get the EX10.
BitZ it is.

however, it's much easier to get to low on a NiteCore D10 or EX10 - just rapidly dbl-click and you're there. however, on the BitZ to get to that 3lm level (which can't be memorized), you need to do a wee bit o' twistin' - like 10 twists.

i just compared the BitZ and a D10 running on a 14500 cell side-by-side. my BitZ on it's very low setting is dimmer than the D10 running on a 14500 on MIN. the battery in both is fresh.

i EDC the BitZ everyday on my key ring. it is smaller than the EX10.
I have a Bitz light as well, along with several others of similar size ( Nautilus, Fenix L0D, Novatac 120P). I'm finding myself carrying my Bitz clipped to the inside of my front pocket more and more. I really like the 3 primary settings and the nice useful flood with moderate throw. It's definitely not a huge thrower, but for it's size, it has a great smooth and nicely tinted beam. For the times that you would ever need a super low, it's not difficult to get to.

I like it's size and how it disappears into my front pocket, but yet easily reachable due to the clip. The build is great and the builder honors his products should anything go wrong with it. I think it's just a REALLY COOL looking little EDC overall. There alot of other similar sized lights out there, but you can only get so much throw from something this size. Hope this helps and good luck in your search.

Hi half-watt, my D10 on 14450 is just a tiny bit dimmer than my Bitz at the low-low (interesting).

Anyways, am holding the Bitz and it still has that great feeling as new. The Bitz really is a very special light. BTW, the Bitz also uses a sapphire lens- if that matters to anyone. I will only buy watches now that have a sapphire crystal for scratch resistance. I don't think it matters as much in a light, but it is nice to have.

Knurling makes the Bitz very easy operate with one hand. However, during camping, I did have a couple of instances where the contact made intermittantly while turning it on/off with one hand and it skipped a couple of levels. The beam was very nice when walking down dark paths and it provided a very nice illumination - better than the d10. The D10 did throw better and illuminate objects farther away.
I just got to checkout a Bitz a little while ago. Man, its a sweet little light.
The nitecore is a nice light also.

The main difference is the price and the UI. You just have to decide which one you prefer, twisty or twisty/clicky. $59 or $125(I think)

Both are good, but different.

I don't think I helped at all :shakehead
I think you pay the premium in part due to the smaller size of the Bitz compared to the EX10 (besides some of the higher quality features).

BTW - I intend to upgrade my Bitz to the new V bin SSC LED when they come out. So I am already thinking of the upgrade path.
...The main difference is the price and the UI. You just have to decide which one you prefer, twisty or twisty/clicky. $59 or $125(I think)...I don't think I helped at all...

sure, you helped. more experiences always help those thinking about purchasing a light.

price is a big factor in purchasing, especially when either light's performance is acceptable for one's intended uses.

when i first started moving fr/HLs to flashlights, i couldn't stand twisty's. now, for many uses, particular EDC, grab it out of my pocket and turn it on, a twisty is easier for me to use. why?

if it's on my key ring for instance, i reach in my pocket and grab it. the head is naturally gonna' be b/t my thumb and forefinger and pointing forward when pulling it out of my pocket. no grip adjustment necessary to deploy and turn on the light. same could be said for a mid-body switch like that found in Mr. Bulk's excellent lights. however, i find, while i still EDC a Milkyspit Creemator 'noir', and sometimes a NovaTac 120P, that tail-clickie lights are more difficult for me (YMMV) to use when attached by the clip to a key ring. some fumbling occurs getting the light into position in the hand to use it. when it's just in a pocket and not attached to the key ring it is easier, but requires more arm action after removing the light fr/the pocket to bring the head of the light to point forward (i.e., one must raise their forearm and fist up - can't keep the hand at waist level and turn the light on - it would be facing towards the rear if one did so). so, i find myself EDCing more twisty's than clickie's nowadays. now, if i had a true tactical need for a light, like for instance to be used simultaneously w/a hand gun, it would different (in that case, either mid-body clickie - it the light were longer, or tail clickie for shorter lights).
BTW - I intend to upgrade my Bitz to the new V bin SSC LED when they come out. So I am already thinking of the upgrade path.

If you would, please post a new thread when you do this, I am interested in upgrading mine also.
Will do. The difficulty will be in removing the bezel since it has some adhesive holding it. I want to be extremely careful so the light does not get any marks on it. I will probably heat the head in some hot water for a while before using some strap wrenches and something to turn the bezel. There is a nice picture of the various parts in the reviews section.
Hi Guys...
Thanks for all the great advice in this thread, i really appreciate it!

I've yet to make a decision, wish I could just buy both. I'm leaning toward the nitecore at this point just because its a clickie, but I'm really still torn.

Keep the suggestions coming and I'll update as soon as I've settled on something:D
To me, both are different lights they can't be compared side by side.
It's always refreshing to swap between the two. What makes them different
is the beam profile and switching mechanism or the UI.

The nitecore pd is never friendly to me. The digital switch makes me feel
detached from the light. Perhaps is the tiny lag which creates the disconnection.
The Bitz however, I felt directly connected to it when using it.

I always EDC the Bitz for it's clip and smaller size. Oh the bezel can me
removed without much force, just a little heat and the glue soften.

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To me, both are different lights they can't be compared side by side.
It's always refreshing to swap between the two. What makes them different
is the beam profile and switching mechanism or the UI.

The nitecore pd is never friendly to me. The digital switch makes me feel
detached from the light. Perhaps is the tiny lag which creates the disconnection.
The Bitz however, I felt directly connected to it when using it.

I always EDC the Bitz for it's clip and smaller size. Oh the bezel can me
removed without much force, just a little heat and the glue soften.


Thanks for the comparison shot!
...The nitecore pd is never friendly to me. The digital switch makes me feel
detached from the light. Perhaps is the tiny lag which creates the disconnection....
Thanks for the comparison photo. I'm still mystified by people who experience lag on this light.

To me it's instantaneous. It's no slower than my L1D or L2D, which are traditional clickies and have the instant on/off. If you want to talk lag, there's the .4 seconds lag of the LF5XT, which is a long time. I'm still trying to figure out if you guys have far sharper perception than I do... :thinking:

FWIW I play in sports like tennis and basketball which require pretty quick response, so I don't feel like my perceptions are that much slower than other people... :shrug:
Re: Little help...Bitz or NiteCore Smartpad EX10 or....

I don't own a Bit but I do own a D10. I also own several Korean made lights and have to say that of the lights made overseas the Korean lights are definitely among the best out there.
There are a couple of things that make the Nitecore stand out.
One is that the light is made from 7075 aluminum alloy. Most flashlights aren't. This is absolutely a superior material and lights made from it are tougher and have more strength. I am quite sure I could put my Nitecore under the wheel of my car drive over it and the light would still operate perfectly.
I see that you have picked the Blitz. I really can't fault you for your decision. That said in the future keep the Nitecore lights in mind. Of the non custom lights available these days the nitecore is certainly one of the better lights and represents a decent value for the money.

I own one D10. That is probably enough for me. I know there are those who will buy several of each lights the company makes. I do not find this necessary since I have a number of "real" McGizmo Pd's of which the Lunasol 20 is my EDC light.

I bought the D10 thinking that it would make a good Car/glove box light. I was wrong. Unfortunately the D10 with it's constant draw on the battery (which can be turned off) and the fact that it runs best on a lithium rechargeable battery It just isn't the best light for the car for me. I need a light that can sit unused for what maybe several years before ever being used. But when I need to use it IT MUST WORK 100%.
I just do not believe the D10 is that light. It is still a good day to day user for me It spends it's time in an area where anybody in the family can get a hold of it and use it at will. My wife has a mule, My kid has a couple of coast multi emitter lights with multi colors. She likes the D10 because it is easy for her to operate it. just give it a twist and it goes. That MAKES HER HAPPY.

Remember whatever light you get. If it doesn't work out for you just sell it on the forums and move on and get another. You will find a light which works best for you.
Re: Little help...Bitz or NiteCore Smartpad EX10 or....

Thanks for the comparison photo. I'm still mystified by people who experience lag on this light.

I'm surprised that there are people who shares the same experience!
Where did you read that? You are right that it should be instantaneous.
Unless nitecore programmers introduce lag on purpose, there should not be any
significant lag, from sleep to wake up state of the microprocessor.

Perhaps it's the muted marshmallow tube/button which is creating the disconnecton.
It's hard to explain the experience. I own two mcgizmo PDs, maybe I was expecting
it to work like a traditional PD. The best I can describe is, driving a car in a
game console with the wireless controller. It just don't feel real at all. In
this case, I prefer my Nitecore NDI over the Smart PDs for it's 'realness plus
connected' factor and it's design.

Don't ever get me wrong though. The Nitecore PD is as good as it gets when it
comes to a digitally switched flashlight. I bought it because of it's clever
internal switching design. For it's price, you can't ask for more. It's UI is
straightforward, anyone can use it.

Price wise, the Bitz is too costly but there are not many lights that looks like
it so I guess it's demand that boost the price. There's nothing clever about the
Bitz, the UI is pretty simple too. I dig the looks of it, so I burned another hole
in my pocket :D.