looking for a value


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2007
anybody that can give me an idea of value??


I frequent the scrapyard!!!
I bought this from the guys who run the scales! They don't know anything but weight x $$.........so we weighed the head and I paid them double. The head weighs around 23 lbs. There no signed name on it but it looks nice. It's solid Bronze ! I would like to sell it but I need to know a starting Price. How do the pictures do ??? The Head is around 16" tall and 8 to 10 " wide
You might have gotten a very good deal. The scrapyards get lots of things from people who don't know anything about what they are selling, other than what metal it is. You might post it some Art forums to see if somebody knows what it is.
I have an idea, Why dont you make up a creepy weird story like the "ghost in a bottle" from ebay and auction it off for fun, encourage the bidders to ask questions and see what happens, I bet you will get very interesting questions about it.

Say you found it on your trip to Africa besides a dead mummy that had a message in a weird dialect in its hand, and weird stuff has happened since, and you just want to get rid of it.

Just my 0.02


Or just offer it to an antiques store.
Better yet, make a claim that Madonna or some other Hollywood twit that everyone adores picked it up for their boyfriend of the week, and they didn't like it.

The more interesting question is why do you frequent the scrapyards? I have never thought of going to a scrapyard or junkyard.
Thanks a lot griff.I was about to go to bed but now that I've seen that "horror" I'm probably go to have nightmares.I'm definitely sleeping with my Magcharger under the covers!


There's no way I could pay $3000 but.... that head is awsome:thinking:... creepy:tinfoil:... disturbing:naughty:... I love it:devil:

Does anyone else think of the "Alien" movies when they see this?

Nice find Griff.

EDIT... The right person might give you more than $3000
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