'lost' jacket - with 4 lights in it! bitter :(


Newly Enlightened
Sep 21, 2003
Windsor, Canada - across from warzone D (Detroit)
My black leather jacket has been lost with the following (at least) inside it:

Streamlight Strion
Surefire E2D
Fenix AA
JetBeam Jet 1

I also had
1 VW key - remote and about $225 to replace
$60 cash
4 batteries
and who knows what else....

I am pretty bitter about it as I was in the middle of a warden directed purge of lights. I was keeping these to stave off lumen starvation until we catch up from my wife being off for the last 4 years with our kids. I don't have much left and it kills me. Now when I need a flashlight, I have to go looking for one as they aren't laying around everywhere anymore.

I am down to 1 key with the VW and I have a 3.5 YO and a 1 YO, both boys.

I just wanted to share my lament. I am looking forward to replacing everything in a while with the movement with Cree and Seoul etc. But until then, the darkness grows....

Sorry for your loss..........I have two boys and somehow they grew up.....

check your e-mail!

And you didn't have phone number labels on your batteries?

Just in case someone honest found them...

Perhaps you are traceable through your chequebook.
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i hate losing stuff!! Sorry to hear of your loss!!! Do you think some yanked it on you?

If cold have ben worse if you had a cellie, knife and say....a Titan or one of Don's lights!

If I lost any of my surefires i'd be bent but it woun't be that same as if I lost a Don light.
It has been a while now since the loss as this happened last month, but I was holding out hope for someone to find it, or for it to turn up somewhere. It took me a fair while to retrace where I lost it and it was in the Keg in Windsor, Downtown - nowhere near no man's land in the middle of warzone D, Manzerick. I had lunch with a client and co-worker and took off my jacket placing it on the bench seat that I took. That is the last place that I had it. I did lose it, but I don't think that it was my fault. I am certain that I left it there and that someone liberated it from the Keg after I left.

I spend about $900 per month on client lunches in this Keg since they are in the same building, and I made sure to let the management know that my jacket was last seen there - after paying a $500 dinner tab while stating that it was my third such bill in that week. I continued to lamentably list the contents of the jacket. He barely lifted an eyebrow.

Please keep in mind that the $ that I spend at the Keg is not mine - if it was, I would have replaced everything by now that was in the jacket ;)

If anyone knows of anyone looking to sell a Streamlite Strion for a good price, point them my way. It was not my favorite light in the group, by far, but I have 2 chargers installed in perfect places in my house. I would love to have a light that fits into them. I am not asking for anyone to send me one, just if they know someone who has one for sale. I will be keeping an eye on the BST just for that reason.

Thanks again for the notes of sympathy, and the kicks ;), and most of all thanks for the personal notes - all are appreciated.

Why not leave a similar, cheap jacket in same place, and watch it.

It may be a member of staff.

If it's open at night, look out for torchlight.

No security video ?

Leave a cheapy 2xRCR123 torch, with unbalanced cells, and wait for fireworks !
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