LS "Full package" $98

I called Greg this morning to find out if I made the cut and I got one! He had a total of 24 and they are all gone. Thanx for the post AL!
A BIG TIP of the hat to Al, I got the shipping notice on one of these beauties.

THANKS AL.............

Best Regards,
I owe Al thanks as well. What a great bunch of people at this forum. Can't wait for the UPS man!
Glow-bug has them on their website for $149. I don't know if they are in stock, but it couldn't hurt to check.

Any idea why the older style mag isn't supposed to work? I tried it with mine and it seems to work fine.

By the way, UPS came and Bright-guy came through already. Great turnaround!

Got my LS
no idea why the instruction sheet sez it's not supposed to work.

"if the black plastic piece from which you removed the bulb has two holes beside the holes where the bulb came out, you have an older flashlight. To use the NewBeam(tm) LED module, you need to purchase a new Mini Maglite(r)"

i'm guessing that the two plug in plastic "tabs" on the NB unit don't fit in
the remaining tube sleeve. i'll have to look later.

works like a charm though
From the horse's mouth:

Q: Why won't the NewBeam work in older Mini-Mags?
A: Mag Instruments changed the plastic parts of the Mini-Mag switch a few years ago. The older design used curved plastic projections to hold the front plastic part into the switch. Then they changed to a design which uses two round plastic pegs. We had to choose one, and of course we chose the new one. The NewBeam may function in older Mini-Mags, but it is not held in place well and is not recommended.
From the horse's mouth:

Q: Why won't the NewBeam work in older Mini-Mags?
A: Mag Instruments changed the plastic parts of the Mini-Mag switch a few years ago. The older design used curved plastic projections to hold the front plastic part into the switch. Then they changed to a design which uses two round plastic pegs. We had to choose one, and of course we chose the new one. The NewBeam may function in older Mini-Mags, but it is not held in place well and is not recommended.
moo hah hah
, thanx al!

the opalec newbeam kit rocks too, but they don't tell you anywhere i've seen, that if you have an old style mini-maglite, you can't use the product (old identified with two 'larger' than lamp-pin holes perpendicular to the lph, the new style is just two tiny lph). good thing i found a new-style mini-mag for 1/2 price.

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