Flashlight Enthusiast
Pardon me if this is a stupid question, or if my reasoning is totally out to lunch...
Ok, I understand that we are supposed to measure our lights from one meter on these things (Thanks Craig, for that answer from a couple months ago), since one LUX is equal to one lumen per square meter, one meter from the source...
So, if we put our light source directly on the sensor, would the reading be (at least a rough approximation of) the total light output in LUMENS?
Ok, I understand that we are supposed to measure our lights from one meter on these things (Thanks Craig, for that answer from a couple months ago), since one LUX is equal to one lumen per square meter, one meter from the source...
So, if we put our light source directly on the sensor, would the reading be (at least a rough approximation of) the total light output in LUMENS?