Hey all, among all the surefires i love the M series the best. M6 is too large, M4 is expensive, M1,I don't know what that's for? So i got a M2 & a M3.
Who has a M1 ? and what is that good for? Thanx!
M1 is infra red... that is correct. No visible light output. The M6 is really no bigger than a 2d cell maglight! Except the bezel diamter is 2.5 inches which is a bit bigger.
I've heard that some people can see the output from the M1 and other IR lights, is that because some people have super-eyes or is it because some of the M1's have a slightly less infra-red (and more red) light output?
Alpha, from what I know, you have to be in a pitch black room/area and be looking directly into the 'beam' of the m1 to see it. (this isn't very good for the eyes, I don't think..) Personally the body of the M1 is very pleasing aesthetically (to me) and I would like to see a xenon or LED version of it (double read that pk
It is an LED! It uses an infra red LED focussed through a lens to make a nice even circular beam.
Some people can see a dim cherry-red glow eminating from certain IR LEDs, usually the shorter wavelength ones.
Staring at any light source is not reccomended, but it won`t do you a lot of harm to have a brief look out of curiosity- it`s just like staring at any low power light. IR light isn`t too dangerous. UV on the other hand....
I agree, it`d be pretty nifty if they stuck a visible LED in there. Maybe someone round here with the relevant skills will one day?