Mag lite switch


Mar 7, 2002
I was wondering how much ampere the standard mag switches can handle? Are 2A too much?

Hi Klaus,

2A should be OK - try and see

I am not that worried since it is not my switch that is going to be fried.
A friend wants one of these 2D-20W mods but wants to keep the mag switch. It will fit since he wants me to put all the stuff in a 3D. I will try and keep you up todate.

Thx Jahn,

any input on how much max ?

And when asking you questions already:

Will a MC cell-pack fit a 3D Mag ?
Will a MC reflector fit a 3D Mag ?
Will a MC glass lens fit a 3D Mag ?

I know you have both **torches** and possibly know already what I like to know - no problem if you don´t know.


Sorry, the quote above is as much as the guy knows, which is to say, they probably haven't gone much further than that in testing the switch.
Out of curiosity, what is the maximum Amperage a production Mag uses ?

Klaus, I'm still awaiting delivery of my Mag-Charger

But I've read that the MC reflector is easily removeable in the current incarnation. (I'm pretty sure that older ones had permanently fixed reflectors ? Older ones had a totally different reflector to the C and D-cell reflectors - I think.)

Well, that was a history lesson wasn't it ......

I suppose I might as well admit that I don't know.
And I'm not sure about the 3D and the MC battery stick, either.

I'm not absolutely certain that the MC's Soda-Lime glass will fit an ordinary D-cell.

Someone out there must know, surely ......

Sorry but I don't have any experiences with the MC stuff. I've heard that the MC reflector and lense are nicer than the standard ones? Any pictures or confirms?

the MC reflector is all metal, instead of Aluminium-coated plastic. The MC lens is Soda-Lime glass instead of Mag's usual Lexan.

I know the glass is much more heat resistant, and I suppose must have a better transmissivity of a few percent.

SF's Lexan is rated at 88% transmissivity, and the Pyrex (with an anti-reflective coating) is at ~95%. So I guess you'd get a few more Lu using it. Not the full 7% difference, since the MC glass is not A/R coated.

Anyone out there with details on Mag 3D and Mag Charger re Lens, cells, reflector ?


Stupid question:
if the battery and everything else from the MC would fit in the 3D's, why didn't they do so? Is the MC that much difference to the 3D's?
(please remember: I've never seen one in real)

There had been reports aboput various parts being exchangeable - but I can´t find the thread anymore - it is one of the things I also don´t understand - why Mag made the housing a different diameter - beccause with the MC-pack being nothing else than 5 1/2D NiCds its the same diameter AFAIK - one difference though is the "ring" around the housing used for charging - you can see pics on the Maglite website or others places where they are selling those.


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