Mag85 LED Equivilent


Nov 11, 2008
Hi, I am not sure if such a thing exists.

I have read this forum quite a lot, and currently am looking for a LED equivalent of a souped up mag light (1000+ lumins would be great).

I would like the size of the torch to be roughly Mag85 size or smaller.

I already have a Fenix TK10 for EDC, this (new one i am after) light would be dedicated for long range work, for emergencies such as bushfire/search and rescue and and spotlighting. I am more interested in throw than i am flood for these reason

In addtion to my Fenix TK 10 I also own a Lightforce 240 blitz that does exactly what I want this LED torch to do, but with an internal battery/increased portability (obviously i do not expect to be able to get the same ammount of power from my handheld LED as from the lightforce.. but the closer the better)

Batteries, dont really care, so long as i can get replacement/recharable ones for it. I am already set up to charge CR123, C, D, AA, AAA so any of those would be ideal.

Price for under AU$1500 or so.

I particularly want an LED for bulb reliability and the advantage of not having to replace it every 30 hours or so that i would have to do with a hotwire.

If a LED torch of this description really simply does not exist i guess i would be looking at a HID torch, but i really dont want to have the warm up time attatched. (ie an AE Powerlight/Brightstar/Wolfeyes would probably suit my needs, but i just want a LED not HID....)

Yes, i know i am being difficult and stubborn, and i should just put up with changing globes (hotwire) or a warm up time (HID) but i just thought i would put it out there to see if anyone can think of an LED that I would love.

Thanks for your help in advance,
Kipper (yes, i know someone else has stolen my nick, but i am still signing as Kipper!!)
D bin SSC P7 LED = 800~900Lm @ 3.2v~3.75v 2.8A (various forward voltages) :thumbsup:

If you feel up to the challenge you could simply build it yourself as there's plenty of specific DIY data floating around these forums (and component fabricators/sellers) OR check out our Custom & Mod Buy/Sell/Trade forum section for a complete unit :D

BTW welcome to the forums! :)
For nearly USD1,000, you could get something really spectacular. I mean, I don't really know what, because there aren't many lights in that price range, but definitely something spectacular.

If you just want around 1000 lumens, a P7 light will put about 5-600 out the front, and you can make one for about USD70 in parts. You just need a 3D Mag, a P7 LED, and a heatsink (from user H22A at CPFMP).

If you want 2000-2500 lumens, you could look into the Elektrolumens "Wall of Fire," with four P7s.
I think your need describes an HID. The bulbs have very long life and are tough. You'll get the 1000L and throw.

To stick with LED choice , a Malkoff triple dropin ? Mag body , Malkoff dropin , cells and charger for $200-$300.Gives you flexibility for body choice - anywhere from 1.5D with 2 x AW LION C Cells or 6D with 6 x D Nimh.

I have left P7 LED out of the equation due to "throw" requirement.
I think your need describes an HID. The bulbs have very long life and are tough. You'll get the 1000L and throw.

To stick with LED choice , a Malkoff triple dropin ? Mag body , Malkoff dropin , cells and charger for $200-$300.Gives you flexibility for body choice - anywhere from 1.5D with 2 x AW LION C Cells or 6D with 6 x D Nimh.

I have left P7 LED out of the equation due to "throw" requirement.

due to "throw" requirement: 200 paces on these, the three basically are same guts, different shell:

The N30, use the search word, N30, although not a true flashlight is my choice of long run HID with a ton of light, but most HID are difficult to use under 100 yards because the beam is such a brilliant spot that it overpowers what little spill beam there is. Some of the very expensive HID flashlights may overcome that distraction though.
Hi Kipper, and welcome to CPF! :D

Have a look at this:


This uses lenses to focus the light - getting extra throw from the LED's. With four D's it's bigger than your average MAG85, but should deliver comparable output for a long time without a battery change - and no bulbs to blow out.

Northern Light's mods will be easier to carry - and much faster to recharge - than the above, and may even have stronger output, although without the extremely variable focus of the Lenser.

Good luck with your decision!
Lexus, is quickbeam's light faulty or is that just how the light works?
Quickbeam's review is of the old K2 version, which heated up quite fast and then temp regulation kicked in. I had the old version too, but mine didn't exhibit this strange runtime curve. It stayed bright longer than quickbeam's and ran longer on low level. So I guess he got a faulty light.
What quickbeam not mentioned: You can bump the output back to high again when the light has cooled off a little.

I got the new 1500 version, which has P4's which give around double the output and are not driven as hard. I used the light last winter outside and it hasn't decreased in brightness at all due to the cold environment.
In a warmer environment like inside the house brightness is reduced one step (of 12) after maybe 10 mins when the light tailstands.

The optics of the light create a much better beam than most reflectors - at least for my purposes.
Ceiling bounce wise my ROP and P7 Mag put out around half the light of my Wiseled Tactical 1500.

If I lost mine today I would buy a new one tomorrow. Yes I like it that much. If you have never handled one of there and read quickbeams review, you might get a false impression of the light. I wish he did another review of a working new version of the light.
Hi Kipper,

You know you can get portable Lightforce spotlights? There is a 170 one that has a cordless drill type battery mounted onto the bottom of the handle (I think it may even have some led's around the bulb for use while walking). This may suit your needs.

I went looking for the same thing you did when I was a noob, but I only had a budget of around $100. I'd suggest you consider a HID - as everyone else mentioned, a N30 HID is a nice unit, or you could wait for Surefire to get around to releasing the Arclights they announced in January and get one or two. :)p)

LEDs, you could get Milkyspit to make you something truly epic for that kind of scratch.

If you really want it the size of a Mag, Mac made or makes (not sure if he's still doing it) some custom HID converted Mags which are incredibly nice by reputation.

Production LED conversions for Mag, Malkoff is making... 750 lumen LED dropins. I own a Surefire module of his, and the thing is just crazy bright. That one won't let you down, and you'll have enough money left over to buy a sterling silver Lummi to boot. :D
Nothing LED in the Mag body will match a Mag85 for throw and lumens together. Doesn't matter how much you spend. But you can get pretty close with a P7 mag.

Optics throw better than reflectors at a given size.
If you really want to get crazy and make it yourself then listen to this one.

Modamag's new Colossus custom host with lots of LED's.
This is assuming that Modamag comes out with the heatsink that he outlined in the development thread.

8 x 18650 Batts
4 x XR-E (Q5/R2 in a cool tint) in large reflectors for throw
4 x MC-E (K bin Neutral White, wired in series) in small reflectors for flood
1 x Red rebel with no reflector for some better colour rendition

The MC-E's would be run off of two of Wayne's new Buck Shark's.
The XR-E's and the Rebel would be run off of another Buck Shark.
You could use a potentiometer for dimming or a Remora board.

Assuming MC-E's are run at 700 mA and the XR-E's and the Rebel are run at 1A that would consume about 59.8 watts. Assuming 80% driver efficiency that is 65.2 watts. On AW 2200mAh batteries that is about 55 minutes on high.

For output that would be:
Rebel @ 1A......130 lumen x 1 .. 130
XR-E @ 1A.......235 lumen x 4 .. 940
MC-E @700mA.750 lumen x 4 .. 3000 3950 LUMEN

Now the cost (this is very approximate)
8x reflectors..144
AW Batts........96

EDIT: I don't know how big a Mag85 is but this would be about the length of 3D (and maybe like 1cm more) but a little wider.
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Nothing LED in the Mag body will match a Mag85 for throw and lumens together. Doesn't matter how much you spend. But you can get pretty close with a P7 mag.

Optics throw better than reflectors at a given size.

I would have thought that until I finished the P7s in D bin last week. The D bin at 900 lumens if you feed it the correct forward voltage, 3.7 volts, or use a driver to get the amps up 2.8-3.2A . Several vendors carry the correct 52mm LOP reflector for that LED and it puts out one very wide beam with more throw than I ever expected. When I paced off 200 paces to the hedges where the P7 had its maximum throw I was very surprised.
I am waiting on a new set of emoli for my aspheric modified 5761. Last time I compared it to this P7 it was comparable, almost identical in spill and the throw looked the same, I did not do a good job of comparing the throw that day, it was close to being the same! I am hoping the 5761 will have the lead in throw but it will be close. The aspheric lens gives it an edge over 5761 without that. This 5761 uses a Litheo123 SMO reflector. For sure my MagCharger 5761 has the throw edge: this link,
2,272 foot throw from my MagCharger! even when it was not as bright as it is now, I have a better Vbulb to it now and it is brighter.

The point if you search out the 5761 developement is that the mod described here has more light than the M85s. Way more spill beam and more throw. M85 has a nice condensed very white in color hot spot which to the eye often misleads to appear as if it was the light with more lumens. The 5761 and P7 have nearly identical beam width patterns in the mod types I have described. Enough lumens to cover that wide range. I have worked on the 5761 to make it a useable mod around two years. Conquering the NTC, insta-flash and emoli mixture was difficult because of the loose tolerances of performance amoung the components. I like the 3C rechargeable 5761 on the emoli very much; I do not keep lights I do not use. I was shocked that just a few weeks after reaching the new plateau with the 5761 beast that I may have topped it with an LED! It breaks my heart but if it looses the throw comparison the next day it will be in the FS- section of CPF!

I certainly will do a good comparison when my new batteries get here, side by side using these two.
Litho123 smo reflector, emoli batteries, 5761 frosted lower 2/3 just below flash Vbulb voltage, (One of the brightest 5761 I have built link: #25)
a very bright D Bin P7, this LINK. The DX and KD WD type LOP reflector, Emoli 3.7 Vf and Vbat for max. lumen on direct drive., typically the Amps are above the 2.8 A used by SCC to set the P7 specs.

It is interesting that both lights use the odd ball voltage of the emolie. The nominal given as 3.7, I have measured it as high as 3.9 in operation.

I set this particular P7 torch up side by side against 4 others and two 5761s and it was the brightest P7, not that you would notice it unless compared side by side, in my herd. I used a light box later and it confirmed the comparison too.

The LED is becoming competative in the extreme flashlight. It used to be if you wanted lots of LED lumens you sacraficed throw for flood. Maybe not some much any more and there are new designs of multi-die LEDs coming soon too that may really change our playing field and provide more toys to play with.

EDIT: IT is 2100 hours MST and I just came in from a jaunt in the upper Sonoran Desert, 28000-3200 feet elevation. Heavy desert shrub primarily palo verde and ocotillio and I used my P7 until the battery dropped to 2.98 volts. The thermal protection did drop in at the end, about 40 minutes, I lost track of time. But I was amazed at the light output. Very good broad flood and coverage to at least 200 yards. I wish I could have taken beam shots. I will take this any day over M85 or M'61. I think if I needed a brighter hot spot at the max range I would have used the 5761 but the difference was so slight. If I had taken my BC6 I could have charged it already. It is now charging plugged into the BC6 at 5A. It will charge 10 times faster than on a standard half amp charger, less than a half hour and it will be full.
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Thankyou all so much for your replys. Sorry for not replying fast I have been busey with exams.

Anyhow, now to get to some responses.

M@elstrom: D bin SSC P7 LED

Thanks for your reply M@elstrom. As you where my only reply for a while, i researched with this information initially. I found the "Lumapower MVP" which looked like it was EXACTLY the type of thing i was after. Anyway, I read lots of nasty reviews on that... and got put off a bit. But if other have lots of nice things to say about it then that one is still on the cards.

Then from the bad reviews I found the Aurora AK-P7, and again, that looked good, and again I found a bunch of bad reviews on it.

TigerhawkT3 kindly offered up the "wall of fire" but from what i can see it looks like there will be too much flood, not enough through.

Lexus offered up the "wiseled 1500", Currently looks to be the pick of the bunch, will be researching that one more (i don't just plonk down $1500 without some research :p )

^^Nova^^: You know you can get portable Lightforce spotlights? There is a 170 one that has a cordless drill type battery mounted onto the bottom of the handle (I think it may even have some led's around the bulb for use while walking). This may suit your needs.

I already have a small carry able battery for my Lightforce, the issue is that it is very messy, with cords etc going everywhere. I want something i can just pick up in 1 piece and go (such as the battery unit your describing). However, with that battery unit the light like mine would have a very short runtime, as incandescents just are not as efficient as LED's. Also, it would be less weather resistant (and certainly not submersible) compared to the other ideas i have been given. I also plan to mod my lightforce (see how evil and money wasting these forums are!! :p ) like so:

A lot have advice has been related to building/modding my own, but i am really not good at anything electrical, and i cant solder or anything. Plus, being in Aus i dont have the same access to parts as you guys in the US.

As a result of this, Northern Lights and spencer, i read both of your posts twice.. and still don't understand lol.

I would happily pay a respected CPF member just to do it for me though.

Martonic: Led Lenser Coast X7[\quote]

The only problem I have with Led Lenser is that, when i was looking to buy my EDC light, i could get a Led Lenser for $120, or a Fenix for $80, and the Fenix was 3x better in every way. It just felt like they where over-charging. now if that was a "Fenix Lenser Coast X7" i would buy that one tomorrow :p

Anyways, i'll get back to researching the Wiseled 1500.

Thanks for your help so far.

Looking forward to hearing any new responses :)

Oh sorry, i forgot to add in my last post:

To the people that mentioned HID, the only issue with it is the warm up time, which severely limits its ability to use for hunting, cos if your sitting around for 2 hours, waiting for some fox or rabbit to show their head, you need full power right away, the fox wont be sitting at 200m for long while I am waiting for my light to warm up.

If it was just for seaching etc, then HID would definitely be the way to go.


Wiseled 1500 is out, no way to change the battery, instant fail (and it was so close too!!)

I think I have eliminated all the ideas now :'(

Anyone got anymore? Please?
Hi, I am not sure if such a thing exists.

I have read this forum quite a lot, and currently am looking for a LED equivalent of a souped up mag light (1000+ lumins would be great).

I would like the size of the torch to be roughly Mag85 size or smaller.

I already have a Fenix TK10 for EDC, this (new one i am after) light would be dedicated for long range work, for emergencies such as bushfire/search and rescue and and spotlighting. I am more interested in throw than i am flood for these reason

In addtion to my Fenix TK 10 I also own a Lightforce 240 blitz that does exactly what I want this LED torch to do, but with an internal battery/increased portability (obviously i do not expect to be able to get the same ammount of power from my handheld LED as from the lightforce.. but the closer the better)

Batteries, dont really care, so long as i can get replacement/recharable ones for it. I am already set up to charge CR123, C, D, AA, AAA so any of those would be ideal.

Price for under AU$1500 or so.

I particularly want an LED for bulb reliability and the advantage of not having to replace it every 30 hours or so that i would have to do with a hotwire.

If a LED torch of this description really simply does not exist i guess i would be looking at a HID torch, but i really dont want to have the warm up time attatched. (ie an AE Powerlight/Brightstar/Wolfeyes would probably suit my needs, but i just want a LED not HID....)

Yes, i know i am being difficult and stubborn, and i should just put up with changing globes (hotwire) or a warm up time (HID) but i just thought i would put it out there to see if anyone can think of an LED that I would love.

Thanks for your help in advance,
Kipper (yes, i know someone else has stolen my nick, but i am still signing as Kipper!!)
The Fox Fury MF 1000 is a very high-end professional tool. Check it out:
Oh sorry, i forgot to add in my last post:

To the people that mentioned HID, the only issue with it is the warm up time, which severely limits its ability to use for hunting, cos if your sitting around for 2 hours, waiting for some fox or rabbit to show their head, you need full power right away, the fox wont be sitting at 200m for long while I am waiting for my light to warm up.

If it was just for seaching etc, then HID would definitely be the way to go.

Professional-grade Search & Recue or Tactical HIDs do not have warm-up times. They have instant-strike and hot re-strike capabilities.

Look for Polarion HIDs.

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