i have a virus for a chinese MP3 player right here on the CD they provided, obviously it was some foo, burning the CD. from what i have seen from others, that same Mass produced glass mastered CD is in many products. it was a fairly benign but very contageous worm type of virus.
it could be one reason WHY the item was dumped for so cheaply (having a "defective cd") and why its perfect to unload it on some sap 4500miles away, across an ocean
A person should also remember that plug and play devices with Writeable memory, may have already BEEN in , someone elses computer, picking up whatever they have . Stuff is returned, to the store, discounted, re-packaged, or returned tested then repackaged and sent back to the shelf.
i doubt there is much effort at clearing it. and a Testor of the item, plugs in everyones viruses into the computer, to spread it to all the other items tested
and yet how many computer users to this day, allow
"hidden files" to be invisable as MS designed the system? with these files unseen, a person doesnt even know what is ON the flash memory they sneakernet from computer to computer, merily spreading something they cant see, assuming the magic anti-virus software even knows it exists.