Marine issue-Iraq


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2005
My son just returned from a year in Iraq yesterday. Among the array of gear he had with him were these items issued to him by the Marines. I thought many here would find them interesting.

That's quite an assortment he was issued. The Army doesn't even issue knives or multi-tools to most soldiers.
He was in a team that operated far "outside the wire" every day-so he got a lot of stuff the average Marine would not get.
There are two auto-Strykers in the photo-one open,and one closed. My son must not have felt much need of them, because one is unused,and the other was just barely used. I think he liked the fixed-blade knife much better. He may have had the 550 during his first tour-it is very worn,nicked, and generally beat-up. Instead of using that Gerber multitool they issued him, he used a Leatherman Charge I gave him before he left.
A good fixed blade knife is always stronger and more reliable than a comparable folding knife. Sometimes a folding knife is needed due to space limitations or local law. That is all.

love the benchmades:rock:! i really like the Nimravus and the Stryker. one funny thing is that , the nimravus has the new handle but it still has the old sheath.
I believe that monocrom was comparing the topic of issuing things, such as knives, between the Marines and the Army.
I have one of those auto-opening Benchmade knives...bought it from the knife store downtown here. It's pretty nice, but a little more "X-Treme" than I generally need. I'm also starting to get the impression that 1.) That guy shouldn't have been stocking it and 2.) I shouldn't have been buying it, since I'm neither a soldier nor LEO.

It works astoundingly well for working with splice tape and cutting cable jackets, though.
flash_bang said:
I believe that monocrom was comparing the topic of issuing things, such as knives, between the Marines and the Army.

Quite correct, my good Sir. :)
IsaacHayes said:
I see a griptilian, what model?

highorder said:
looks like a 550SBT

It's definitely not a 550 because there's a thumbstud and there's no way you'd be able to tell that it's serrated, unless I'm missing something. It looks like a 551. I'm glad the military knows quality knives, I would've loved to see some Spydies in the mix as well.
highorder said:
the auto Stryker is common among soldiers, sailors, and airmen. they are issued in survival kits for all aircrewman, and available at the PX.

they were never sold on any of the bases i was stationed/been on:

Kings Bay
Ft Leonardwood
Ft Leavenworth
Ft Riley
any of the bases in Panama
Scott AFB
many more i cant remember the names for....
wish they were, though.
i always had to go "off post" to get my fix
What, no guns? :huh:

Hope the tour went well, a year is a long time to be there. I bet 'glad to be home' is an understatement

I thought the marines only deployed for 6 months at a time. I gave my Son a nimravus and gerber multi tool. The nimravus had the same sheath as the one your Son has. It broke during a parachute jump. Benchmade express shipped me a replacement sheath, one of the new nylon ones. It is real nice. He has had to use the nimravus and a cold steel vietnam tomahawk to fight off packs of dogs why he and his team were on scouting missions and couldn't use his rifle because it would draw attention to their location. The Army hasn't supplied him any of this type of equipment. They haven't even issued him a flashlight. Needless to say, his next care package that is on the way contains a couple of nice lights.
This stuff is really just a small sample of the stuff my son was issued-of course, most of it was turned back in.He is only home for a short time-he may yet have to give this stuff back,too. He got all sorts of surefires,both as flashlights and weaponslights,ACOGs. Lasers,both regular and IR. His division did only deploy for 7 months, but he was assigned to this special duty, and spent a full year there. I sent a lot of stuff to him myself, like a top of the line GPS, all-fuel stove, cookset, a box of food about every week,plus lots of Copenhagen. I sent him US flag patches that only reflect IR light, as they operated at night a lot-special holsters-the list goes on and on-if the Marines didn't give him what he needed,I did.

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