Maxpedition M1 vs M2 vs Rat Wallet


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
I am hoping people may have some or all of these and offer opinions, I am looking for a small comfortable pouch that will accomodate a vaiety of EDC/survival/holiday/camping gear.
the Maxpedition stuff seems like a good mix of strong, available and affordable gear, on the downside is that its not waterproof or have waterproof zips, but you cant have everything i guess.

I need this to carry my Novatac 120P, spare 123, 10 metres cord, leatherman wave, fischerspace pen, paper, flint, whistle, tin with scalpel, magnifying glass, fish hooks, line, sinkers, band aids, water tabs, condom, snare, catapult sling, small mirror, matches, wire saw, spacesheet, etc.

Its needs to be comfortable and wearable otherwise it wont be there when I need it.
It must also be able to be opened and grab stuff fairly easily (mainly toch, knife and pen).

Finally it needs to be able to without too much effort switch to a torch, pen, wallet, keys, cell, camera, phone, PDA, iPod, etc type pouch.

Ideally it should be able to be worn in a car with a seat belt on, be able to run without is causing too much bounce, be able to climb trees with it on, wander through thick bush, or not look ridiculas whilst on holiday.

Not actually being able to see one in the flesh makes it difficult-I know people must have similar needs and hopefully have these items so any thoughts (or similar items) would be appeciated, oh and additions to my kit would not hurt as its a work in progress, with things getting added and removed as i go.

A Maxpedition M2 would be pretty full when packed with all the gear you describe. It may be too small, depending on the size of your tin and the type of cord you have.

It is uncomfortable for me to wear both a 6 ounce multitool and moderate size flashlight next to each other on my belt. It creates a sort of weight imbalance. The situation improves when I distribute the weight rather than carrying a lot of items packed together in the same place.

BTW, one can wear an M2 and car seat belt ok.