MBI #3 - Codename: HF


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
Looking forward the shipping notice yet. Any news about the gray Al?

Hi compasillo,

Expecting word back by Friday (but hoping its tomorrow) to see if they'll make it before the year is out.

Either way the dice rolls, some good news for everyone still waiting coming soon (and working hard to make that soon tomorrow).



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2009
Cataract, I think I might just have to get that GPS tracker after all!

GPS tracker for really cheap:

Don't ask how I found that... pure coincidental luck, but you're the first guy (yes, a pun!) I thought of when I saw that. Plenty of other great videos from kipkay too. Check-out 'tricky sneaky booby traps' (mostly to find out is someone has been into your things) and 'is your luggage safe from airport security?'. He also has one about rigging a briefcase with an electric fly swatter you might want to check out for your MBI avocados ;)

I sure hope the package shows up.

Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year (hopefully with an HF in hand). I now have to go back to my super-secret special-ops mission :whistle:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2009
Just a quick one before leaving. I'm a little disappointed my HF doesn't do the same as this:



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
Hey guy, any updates on the HF's that are en route back from the shop?

Hi KuanR,

Thanks for your patience.
The shipping company got back to me late Friday.

They have still not located the 4 missing packages but they asked me for 3 more days as they plan to check all delivery trucks and possible locations over this weekend.

I checked with the workshop and they have a few spares which they will be sending me but we are going to wait to verify the package by monday before they put serials on the spares they have to avoid double serial-ing, but with end of year, it will probably be the 10th when they arrive.

As a worst case, here's what I'm thinking....
In case the missing package is vanished & I can't ship them by the 10th:
For everyone who has not received at least one HF that was pre-ordered,
I will send you an HF-R for free. (I know, you probably think I'm crazy and its true, I probably am but its only a handful of people who have not received their first HF and my goal is satisfaction and making sure everyone can be HF'ing sooner rather than later). Then once I confirm the timing on the original HF (in the worst case if they need to be remade) you can choose to wait till they arrive or have a 100% instant refund (and keep your HF-R), so hopefully its a win-win situation for you.

I received word on the HF Al Gray's also. They couldn't be finished in time to send so I'm expecting them to be here the 2nd week of January.
Some good news for the HF Al Gray's though is thanks to the delay, I was able to secure some XM-L U3's and so all the
HF Al XM-L U2's will be upgraded to XM-L U3's.

Still holding off just a little on the HF-R detail (almost ready to blabb about them) and most likely they will be here around the same time as the HF-Al's and there will be no pre-order required. In fact, with just a little luck (also read as no surprises from any manufacturers like destroying batches of expensive emitters that I send them), I'm going to stretch really hard to get new products out with no pre-order needed in the coming year.

Sorry for the slow posts the last week, I had all kinds of unexpected things going on but all looks to be settled down now.

I've had quite a few mails asking "will I be making more HF's?".
Yes, I plan to.

I'm also currently working on an optional pushbutton tail and one other version too so that you can tweak, upgrade and customize your HF's going forward. Awaiting some new zoomhead proto's too around mid Jan.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
GPS tracker for really cheap:
Don't ask how I found that... pure coincidental luck, but you're the first guy (yes, a pun!) I thought of when I saw that. Plenty of other great videos from kipkay too. Check-out 'tricky sneaky booby traps' (mostly to find out is someone has been into your things) and 'is your luggage safe from airport security?'. He also has one about rigging a briefcase with an electric fly swatter you might want to check out for your MBI avocados ;)

I sure hope the package shows up.

Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year (hopefully with an HF in hand). I now have to go back to my super-secret special-ops mission :whistle:

Thanks for the videos :)

And the fire breathing one....
I'm working on it!

The package....
I'm preying because the insurance only covers a few hundred dollars, the package is worth a few thous :mecry:
There's a chance I may just scrape over the last few order's with the few left at the workshop but these things make my head feel like there are billiard balls inside, bouncing around at high velocity.

Either way, I'm here to make sure every one is taken care of, rain, hail or snow!


Looking forward to a peaceful and smooth rolling 2013


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 19, 2009
Heart of Texas
As ususal, you are going above and beyond the call of duty! Impressive, and surely those that are high-and-dry on their HFs will have no real issue with recieving a free HF-R!

Here's to that package showing up, intact and undamaged in any way....and soon!

Loving my HF's, and my CoreTi. I'm partial to my Ti RAW HF but like the U2 in the Cu version so keep both on my kechain and rotate batteries at every charge. When pulling a fresh battery I get it from storage right, move the remaining battery to that right hand position and replace left with the freshly charged cell, keeping all cells in rotation so none sit lonely and unused! :) This is easy as Guy sent my first batteries (with the Cu HF) in little opaque square boxes as the package wasn't ready yet. So I now keep batteries in these and keep the rotation going.

Wishing all the MBI Family a Very Happy New Years!!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
As ususal, you are going above and beyond the call of duty! Impressive, and surely those that are high-and-dry on their HFs will have no real issue with recieving a free HF-R!

Here's to that package showing up, intact and undamaged in any way....and soon!

Loving my HF's, and my CoreTi. I'm partial to my Ti RAW HF but like the U2 in the Cu version so keep both on my kechain and rotate batteries at every charge. When pulling a fresh battery I get it from storage right, move the remaining battery to that right hand position and replace left with the freshly charged cell, keeping all cells in rotation so none sit lonely and unused! :) This is easy as Guy sent my first batteries (with the Cu HF) in little opaque square boxes as the package wasn't ready yet. So I now keep batteries in these and keep the rotation going.

Wishing all the MBI Family a Very Happy New Years!!


Hi Dale,

Thanks for the good vibes and thankfully they worked

I know a happy camper! :) Congrats!

Thank goodness, now let's hope your head recovers from all those high velocity billiard balls. :sick:
Thanks sassaquin,
I was VERY VERY happy to get that call.
I drove a couple of hours round trip yesterday afternoon to collect the package just in time before everything gets shut down for a few days.
The billiard balls..... disintegrated :D

That's great news, Guy! Let's hope this batch of HF's will pass QC and be off to their owners

Hi KuanR,

Thank you for your patience.
Just finished a quick content check and there are plenty of HF's here. I'm very very relieved :)
QC of course will be important and will be checking the HF's as quickly as I can over the next 2 days, and I should have more than enough spares to cover any potential rejects.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 19, 2008
Goldsboro, NC
Just sitting here, patiently waiting for the HF-R thread to be created. This will be a great little addition to our collections. Simple, effective, and stunning!


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2012
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I can't believe I spend hours reading guys thread and missed this little gem completely. :-(

Are any still available if not how do I get one offence next run.
Keep up.the HF, and since I missed it on my.mobile how do you recharge these it replace the batteries, and are replacement bats availble


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2012
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I can't believe I spend hours reading guys thread and missed this little gem completely. :-(

Are any still available if not how do I get one offence next run.
Keep up.the HF, and since I missed it on my.mobile how do you recharge these it replace the batteries, and are replacement bats availble


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 19, 2009
Heart of Texas
Capn, the HF comes with 3 specially made High Discharge Li-ion batteries that Guy calls Nukes. They're short, with a special tube just for them. He offers CottonPickers chargers that charge off a USB port on your computer to recharge them. There is also a larger 10440 tube included for standard sized Li-ions, but they aren't High Discharge capable and won't put out the HF effect in comparison to the Nukes. He sells additional Nukes for $5.00 ea., which is pretty cheap compared to other Li-ions on the market.

And yes, he should have some available as his lost ship has come in! I'm sure he'll be on to fill in the blanks fairly quickly, you can of course PM him for details on what he has available.

I have a Titanium RAW version with T5 emitter that I just LOVE! Super lightweight, tiny and perfect! Also a Copper version with U2 emitter that is twice as heavy as the Ti...really!...and stunningly bright! I've posted beamshots from the Cu version a couple of months ago. I'll include a pic here so you can go into my Flickr account and check em out. This particular shot is showing how the HF blows away the Titanium Innovations IlluminaTi kechain light. There's quite a few more pictures in the gallery.

Happy Hunting, and Happy New Year!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
Tgwnn - you Are the Man!

Hi FsTop,

Too kind :D

Been working through QC, a few baddies but the good are generally very good.
About half-way through and hoping to finish by tomorrow, then packing and shipping within a couple of days.

Just sitting here, patiently waiting for the HF-R thread to be created. This will be a great little addition to our collections. Simple, effective, and stunning!
Thanks Alex ;)
Almost ready to go on those, especially since the missing package was found.

Happy New Year MBI Family!

Be Safe!


Thanks Dale,
Happy 2013!!

I can't believe I spend hours reading guys thread and missed this little gem completely. :-(

Are any still available if not how do I get one offence next run.
Keep up.the HF, and since I missed it on my.mobile how do you recharge these it replace the batteries, and are replacement bats availble
Hi Captain,
Just replied to your FB post.

DBC has most of it covered nicely below.

Expecting some HF Aluminum's around week 2 of January.
There is a new version HF-R landing shortly expected to be in stock around week 2 of January also.

Not certain right now on timing for HF Ti's but hope to make some more soon (which probably means about 8-10 weeks till they are available).

Capn, the HF comes with 3 specially made High Discharge Li-ion batteries that Guy calls Nukes. They're short, with a special tube just for them. He offers CottonPickers chargers that charge off a USB port on your computer to recharge them. There is also a larger 10440 tube included for standard sized Li-ions, but they aren't High Discharge capable and won't put out the HF effect in comparison to the Nukes. He sells additional Nukes for $5.00 ea., which is pretty cheap compared to other Li-ions on the market.

And yes, he should have some available as his lost ship has come in! I'm sure he'll be on to fill in the blanks fairly quickly, you can of course PM him for details on what he has available.

I have a Titanium RAW version with T5 emitter that I just LOVE! Super lightweight, tiny and perfect! Also a Copper version with U2 emitter that is twice as heavy as the Ti...really!...and stunningly bright! I've posted beamshots from the Cu version a couple of months ago. I'll include a pic here so you can go into my Flickr account and check em out. This particular shot is showing how the HF blows away the Titanium Innovations IlluminaTi kechain light. There's quite a few more pictures in the gallery.

Happy Hunting, and Happy New Year!


Thanks Dale :thumbsup:


p.s. Happy 2013 to everybody :D


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
A quick post to let you know I've finished QC on the last batch of HF's.

I'll need to send a few back to the workshop yet again but I have enough to send out all the outstanding pre-orders.

Planning to get things packed tomorrow night and then ready to hit the post office when it re-opens on Jan 4th.

There are a handful of serials that will need to be swapped (unless you really want to wait....) but other than that, looks good to go.

Once that's all done, I will have a little more time (I hope) to share more details on
some new things...

Been working on a clicky tail for the HF, and waiting on the proto's.
Its a two-button tail, one on the side, one on the bottom.
Low mode = side button = click for on, click again for off
High mode = bottom button = momentary (hold for on)

Working on a QTC tail for the HF too, still finalizing the design.

Awaiting some new zoom head proto's as I was not overly pleased with the first round though the basic concept was there.

Planning to make the tails and zoom heads available as standalone options when ready.

.....and of course the HF-R.
