Mini Maglite LED lens scratches - common?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 7, 2023
I purchased a mini maglite recently, the LED version with circa 300 lumens. A great looking torch and kicks out a decent beam but one thing that slightly irked me is that the lense seemed to have a few scratches. Nothing deep but just a bit surprising on a new item. These are noticeable when the light is on (viewed indirectly from the side) but don't actually seem to affect the beam it puts out. I spoke to the supplier who says they have checked more of their stock and apparently they are all like that to a certain degree so they couldn't guarantee they could replace with a scratch free one but I was welcome to return it. I appreciate their honesty and don't think they are trying it on.

Is this just a mini maglite thing and as it doesn't affect performance ignore it (if so I am surprised that is their quality control level) Or should I expect better on a brand new torch. Anything else I buy with a screen or lense I expect to be pretty much immaculate when sold new.

It feels like a problem which could be easily solved by the use of peelable covers as they do with mobile phone handsets.
I purchased a mini maglite recently, the LED version with circa 300 lumens. A great looking torch and kicks out a decent beam but one thing that slightly irked me is that the lense seemed to have a few scratches. Nothing deep but just a bit surprising on a new item. These are noticeable when the light is on (viewed indirectly from the side) but don't actually seem to affect the beam it puts out. I spoke to the supplier who says they have checked more of their stock and apparently they are all like that to a certain degree so they couldn't guarantee they could replace with a scratch free one but I was welcome to return it. I appreciate their honesty and don't think they are trying it on.

Is this just a mini maglite thing and as it doesn't affect performance ignore it (if so I am surprised that is their quality control level) Or should I expect better on a brand new torch. Anything else I buy with a screen or lense I expect to be pretty much immaculate when sold new.

It feels like a problem which could be easily solved by the use of peelable covers as they do with mobile phone handsets.

I don't know, but I'd probably feel as you do. I recently broke out a mint 90s incandescent one, and the lens is in very good nick indeed. A superior glass replacement (like Borofloat, etc.) would be nice, and wouldn't cost much, but the stock one is pretty thin, so I don't know if that's possible. Someone who knows minimags better than I can probably speak to that.

You might answer that last question here:

They don't seem to have the Borofloat but do have the UCL. It's a little thick but it will work. $2.50 for peace of mind but it won't make any difference.
They don't seem to have the Borofloat but do have the UCL. It's a little thick but it will work. $2.50 for peace of mind but it won't make any difference.
Hey, 'peace of mind' is worth something in my book - especially as hard to come by as it is in '23! There's also better resistance to further scratching, and possibly heat, if that matters. The stock ones can get pretty nasty in a tough use environment. I'd go for the UCL. At that price, I may order a couple myself for my old dinosaur minimags, and maybe another light or two while I'm at it. I wouldn't just look at it as a replacement, but rather an 'upgrade'. If I could put 'em in my old incan Scorpions I would, but that's not really do-able.
Thanks for the replies, I am tempted to keep it and get a replacement lens. Alternatively I could return it and chance it by ordering another one this time direct from states (I'm in Europe so Maglite parts seem harder to come by). Main reservation about that is what if the replacement torches lens is just as bad.
Yea, that is norm, plastic lens is very soft it get scratched from touching it with a finger, but unless it is real badly scratched, it does not really affect the beam, there is a glass lens sold as an option, it is a lot more scratch resistant than plastic. but it is more brittle. I installed glass on all my mini mags, so far none cracked. so it is not a big issue. get several, and replace if you crack one. Btw xl series uses same glass and reflector, but removal is a pita, unlike a minimag they do not have a bezel that unscrews

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