I purchased a mini maglite recently, the LED version with circa 300 lumens. A great looking torch and kicks out a decent beam but one thing that slightly irked me is that the lense seemed to have a few scratches. Nothing deep but just a bit surprising on a new item. These are noticeable when the light is on (viewed indirectly from the side) but don't actually seem to affect the beam it puts out. I spoke to the supplier who says they have checked more of their stock and apparently they are all like that to a certain degree so they couldn't guarantee they could replace with a scratch free one but I was welcome to return it. I appreciate their honesty and don't think they are trying it on.
Is this just a mini maglite thing and as it doesn't affect performance ignore it (if so I am surprised that is their quality control level) Or should I expect better on a brand new torch. Anything else I buy with a screen or lense I expect to be pretty much immaculate when sold new.
It feels like a problem which could be easily solved by the use of peelable covers as they do with mobile phone handsets.
Is this just a mini maglite thing and as it doesn't affect performance ignore it (if so I am surprised that is their quality control level) Or should I expect better on a brand new torch. Anything else I buy with a screen or lense I expect to be pretty much immaculate when sold new.
It feels like a problem which could be easily solved by the use of peelable covers as they do with mobile phone handsets.