I haven't tried these laquer stiks, but I have repainted the white lettering on my flashlights, using Auto Touch UP paint, that you get in small bottles at any auto part store. This paint is made to adhere to metal and works quite well with aluminum. I apply the paint with a toothpick. I spread the paint very thinly over the lettering. I let it dry for only 3 or 4 minutes, before I remove the excess with a clean round tooth pick. I remove most of it with the side of the toothpick, gently "sanding" the excess away. I then use the point of the toothpick to clean excess between the letters, if any remains. Solvents aren't necessary as long as you don't let the paint dry too long. If the results, don't look even enough, I just reapply paint until I get it right. Once, it looks right, I let the light sit for a couple of days to be sure the paint has hardened.
BTW, I have retouched my black anodizing using flat black auto touch up paint. Again I dip the toothpick in the paint and just apply it where it is needed. Any excess is easily picked off with another clean toothpick without damaging the black anodizing.