Mmmm, gold lettering...


Feb 26, 2006
San Diego
Just did my Fenix E01 and NiteCore Extreme


Looks pretty nice IMO, still gotta finish the EXTREME INFINITY on the other side. We'll see how it holds up over time.

Did you use gold-leaf and rub it in, or a different technique?

Please share. :thanks:
I did the same technique some alot of firearms guys do, except I used Enamel hobby paint.

What I did was clean the surface with rubbing alcohol, got a small paintbrush and dabbed the paint in the letters. Dried it out with a hairdrier, and got some computer paper / regular sheet paper dabbed with some rubbing alcohol on it. Gently folded the sheet and rubbed off the excess. Took off the sides with a q-tip. Don't get it near the letters, it will take the gold out.
You have to use sheet paper as paper towels or a rag will wipe away the gold inside the lettering. I'm about to do the E3 and EXTREME INFINITY and so i'll take pics.

Here's the related thread on XDtalk - they use crayon or laquersticks but the general directions are the same.
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Painting over the engraved emblem:


After drying with a hairdryer:


Cleaning off:

Gold residue on alcohol dabbed paper:

Cleaned off:

Final shots:

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We'll see. I don't see why it wouldn't as enamel paint is fairly resilient and the letters are also recessed. It's had plenty of time to cure, and none has rubbed off on my fingers at all.

They hold up on firearms quite well, of which some are exposed to considerable abuse.

Rememember you guys can do any color, not just gold. I'm sure blacked out would look quite appealing as well!
That is an interesting technique, and it looks very effective.

There have been quite a few threads in the past where members have commented on the white lettering wearing off their lights. It seems to happen to all lights, irrespective of make.

This looks like a very good way to restore the white lettering - or even upgrade to gold!
That looks great. I first thought you did it with a very fine point brush & magnifying glass. Thanks for the explanation/instructions and excellent illustrative pictures.
thats a nice little mod, thanks for sharing.
Does it only work on HAIII surfaces?

Do you think it will work with GITD paint?
thats a nice little mod, thanks for sharing.
Does it only work on HAIII surfaces?

Do you think it will work with GITD paint?

Should work on any reasonably smooth surface.

That is, assuming that the paint you are using will stick to the recessed aria and the solvent you are using to remove the overspill will not damage the surface.

Just FYI, if you use the Lacquer Stiks there is no need to use a solvent to remove the overspill, just wipe it off.
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I haven't tried these laquer stiks, but I have repainted the white lettering on my flashlights, using Auto Touch UP paint, that you get in small bottles at any auto part store. This paint is made to adhere to metal and works quite well with aluminum. I apply the paint with a toothpick. I spread the paint very thinly over the lettering. I let it dry for only 3 or 4 minutes, before I remove the excess with a clean round tooth pick. I remove most of it with the side of the toothpick, gently "sanding" the excess away. I then use the point of the toothpick to clean excess between the letters, if any remains. Solvents aren't necessary as long as you don't let the paint dry too long. If the results, don't look even enough, I just reapply paint until I get it right. Once, it looks right, I let the light sit for a couple of days to be sure the paint has hardened.

BTW, I have retouched my black anodizing using flat black auto touch up paint. Again I dip the toothpick in the paint and just apply it where it is needed. Any excess is easily picked off with another clean toothpick without damaging the black anodizing.